InfoQ Homepage TensorFlow Content on InfoQ
We Also Can Do It! Machine Learning in Javascript!
Eliran Eliassy shows how to create a prediction model with a web application using TensorFlow.js and other deep learning tools that can run in the browser.
Machine Learning on Mobile and Edge Devices with TensorFlow Lite
Daniel Situnayake talks about how developers can use TensorFlow Lite to build machine learning applications that run entirely on-device.
Swift for Tensorflow
Paige Bailey demonstrates how Swift for TensorFlow can make advanced machine learning research easier and faster.
ML in the Browser: Interactive Experiences with Tensorflow.js
Victor Dibia provides a friendly introduction to machine learning, covers concrete steps on how front-end developers can create their own ML models and deploy them as part of web applications.
Peloton - Uber's Webscale Unified Scheduler on Mesos & Kubernetes
Mayank Bansal and Apoorva Jindal present Peloton, a Unified Resource Scheduler for collocating heterogeneous workloads in shared Mesos clusters.
Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
Oliver Gindele discusses how some DL models can be implemented in TensorFlow, starting from a collaborative filtering approach and extending that to more complex deep recommender systems.
Comparing Machine Learning Strategies Using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
Oliver Zeigermann looks at different ML strategies -KNN, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks- and visualizes how they make predictions by plotting their decision boundaries.
Machines Can Learn - a Practical Take on Machine Intelligence Using Spring Cloud Data Flow and TensorFlow
Christian Tzolov showcases how building a complex use-case, such as real-time image recognition or object detection, can be simplified with the help of the Spring Ecosystem and TensorFlow.
Machine Intelligence at Google Scale
Guillaume LaForge presents pre-trained ML services such as Cloud Vision API and Speech API that works without any training, introducing Cloud AutoML.
TensorFlow: Pushing the ML Boundaries
Magnus Hyttsten talks about how Google uses Machine Learning to address problems that were not solvable a year ago, looking at models and how they can be built.
$200 Self-Driving Cars with RasPi and Tensorflow
William Roscoe and Adam Conway build and drive the $200 open source self driving Donkey Car and talk about about the hardware components & software that let it drive, capture data, create autopilots.
In Depth TensorFlow
Illia Polosukhin keynotes on TensorFlow, introducing it and presenting the components and concepts it is built upon.