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Storybook 5.3 Released, Targets Design Systems, Supports Web Components
Storybook 5.3 was recently released and strives to allow developers to build production design systems faster. Storybook users can now document their components with MDX, have a documentation site automatically generated, and integrate with popular design tools like Sketch, Figma or Adobe XD. Storybook 5.3 also now officially supports web components.
A Guide to Writing Properties of Pure Functions - John Hughes at Lambda Days 2020
John Hughes, co-designer of Haskell and Quickcheck, recently discussed property-based testing at Lambda Days 2020. Hughes presented in his talk five different strategies for coming up with properties and compared their effectiveness. Metamorphic and model-based properties reportedly show high effectiveness.
Yelp Open-Sources Fuzz-Lightyear, A Swagger-Based IDOR Vulnerability Detector
Business directory and crowd-sourced review service, Yelp, has open-sourced their in-house security testing framework, fuzz-lightyear, that identifies Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerabilities.
Microsoft Announces Playwright Alternative to Puppeteer
Playwright is an open-source Node.js library started by Microsoft for automating browsers based on Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit through a single API. The primary goal of Playwright is improving automated UI testing.
Making Remote Mob Testing Work
Remote mob testing can be done successfully, but requires suitable communication technology, a moderator who keeps everyone on board, and you need to frequently change the driver between local team members and remotes.
2020 State of Testing Survey: Call for Participation
The 2020 State of Testing survey is now seeking participation, and aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops and to recognize testing trends. Anyone completing the survey will receive a complimentary copy of the State of Testing 2020 report once it is published.
Live Recorder: Debugging C++, Rust, and Go with Capture and Replay of Nondeterministic Data
Early in the year the Undo team released Live Recorder 5, a “software flight recorder technology” for C, C++ and Go applications that enables the capture of all non-deterministic data within an application’s execution for debugging purposes. The resulting recording supports the replay of events in time, backwards and forwards, when looking for and fixing bugs.
Usability Testing and Testing APIs with Hallway Testing
Hallway testing can be used to enhance the usability of products and make your UX better. You can also use it to test APIs as Ewa Marchewka, head of software integration and test department at Nokia, presented at TestCon Europe 2019. It’s cheap, straightforward, there’s no need for complicated tools, and it’s fast, getting feedback from the end-user almost instantly.
From Waterfall to Agile at NAV Test Centre of Excellence
Changing how we work from waterfall to agile is all about envisioning the goals, focusing on success factors and then surviving the transit, said Torstein Skarra at TestCon Europe 2019. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) has moved from project-based waterfall and six releases per year to agile cross-function autonomous teams with several releases per day, per team.
Writing Tests for CSS Is Possible! Gil Tayar at ReactiveConf 2019
Gil Tayar, senior architect and developer relations at Applitools, recently presented at ReactiveConf 2019 in Prague the specific issues behind CSS testing and how they can be addressed through methodology and tooling.
The Ethical Role Testers Can Have
Testers should step up outside of only doing quality level verification and be the ambassadors of ethical change, said Michal Buczko at TestCon Europe 2019. Ethics and integrity are becoming more and more important. Ensuring that employees understand appropriate ways to address daily ethical issues can have a major impact on your project outcome and your relationship with customers.
Accessibility Testing: Convincing Your Product Owner
Accessibility testing is just the right thing to do; the internet and e-services are a place for people to feel and interact equally, so our software should not exclude people, argued Martin Tiitmaa at TestCon Europe 2019.
WebAssembly Source Code Can Now Be Debugged Outside the Browser with GDB and LLDB
Mozilla recently demonstrated debugging of WebAssembly binaries outside the browser, using standard debuggers like GDB and LLDB. Debugging WebAssembly code in the same execution environment that is used in production allows developers to catch and diagnose bugs that may not arise in a native build of the same code.
Octant: Local and Real-Time Dashboard for Kubernetes Workloads
VMware has open-sourced Octant, a tool to help developers understand how their applications are running in a Kubernetes cluster. Developers can graphically visualize Kubernetes objects dependencies, forward local ports to a running pod, inspect pod logs, and navigate through different clusters. Moreover, users can extend Octant’s capabilities by installing or authoring a plugin.
Introduction to Stateful Property Based Testing - Lambda Days 2019
Tomasz Kowal, tech lead at ClubCollect, presented at Lambda Days 2019 an introduction to stateful property based testing. Property-based testing helped major companies find bugs which were not caught through example-based testing. Stateful property-based testing leverages an underlying model of the system under test to generate interesting test sequences, increasing the likelihood of finding bugs.