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InfoQ Homepage Testing Content on InfoQ

  • Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations

    People can feel limited when challenged, which slows them down or keeps them from trying. It can be a real problem, but their fear might actually be in their imagination. Sometimes the only thing that's holding you back is yourself. Survival rules can hinder us- sometimes you have to break them.

  • Practical Tips for Automated Acceptance Tests

    Testing techniques like Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, and Risk-based Testing can help you decide what to test and when to automate a test. InfoQ spoke with Adrian Bolboacă about different types of tests, writing sufficient and good acceptance tests, criteria to decide to automate a test, and how to apply test automation to create executable specifications.

  • Approval Testing with TextTest

    Approval testing is a test technique which compares the current output of your code with an 'approved' version. The approved version is created by initially examining the test output and approving the result. You can revisit the approved version and easily update it when the requirements change. Approval testing is supported by TextTest, an open source tool for text-based functional testing.

  • Dead Code Must Be Removed

    Dead code needs to be found and removed; leaving dead code in is an obstacle to programmer understanding and action, and there's the risk that the code is awakened which can cause significant problems. Deleting dead code is not a technical problem; it is a problem of mindset and culture.

  • Microsoft to Offer Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio 2017

    With more features being pushed down into less expensive versions, Microsoft is always looking for ways to justify the hefty price tag for Visual Studio Enterprise Edition. New for this year, the headline feature is “live unit testing”.

  • Testing Challenges and Essential Skills for Testers

    Complex AI systems with non-deterministic outcomes pose challenges for testers and programmers. Such systems will increasingly become normal in high-impact, high-risk applications, argues Fiona Charles; testers should increase their capacity for thinking and learning and develop a number of personal strengths such as courage and good judgement.

  • Microsoft Open Sources Visual Studio Test

    Microsoft has open sourced their Visual Studio Test Platform (VS Test) used to run tests in many languages, collect diagnostic data and report the results.

  • Writing Good Unit Tests

    Try to keep units small, use appropriate tools, and pair-up programmers and tester; these are suggestions for writing good unit tests. Unit testing is a mixture of programming and testing; programmers can work together with testers to learn from each other and broaden their knowledge horizons.

  • 2017 State of Testing Survey

    The 2017 State of Testing survey aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops. The survey is open throughout January 2017.

  • Talks at Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East 2016

    The third and fourth days of the triple conference Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East held in Orlando, Florida, continued the trend established by the first two, with talks covering a wide range of topics but with a clear emphasis on testing. While days 1 and 2 were filled with half and full-day tutorials, days 3 and 4 were based on one-hour talks.

  • Tutorials at Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East 2016

    Between the 14th and 18th November, the three conferences Better Software East, DevOps East and Agile Dev East are taking place simultaneously in the same venue in Orlando, Florida. The conferences are organised around two days of tutorials, two days of talks, and a closing Agile Summit day with keynotes by several international speakers. InfoQ attended the conference to report on its contents.

  • Kyle McMeekin on Real World Testing Challenges

    At the recent Agile 2016 conference, InfoQ spoke to Kyle McMeekin about the real world challenges around software testing in agile development, the push to have more test automation and how exploratory testing is different from and more effective than scripted manual testing.

  • Honeycomb - A Tool for Debugging Complex Systems

    Honeycomb is a tool for observing and correlating events in distributed systems. It provides a different approach from existing tools like Zipkin in that it moves away from the single-request-tracing model to a more free-form model of collecting and querying data across layers and dimensions.

  • Increase Learning with 10% Autonomy Time

    Giving teams autonomy to spend 10% of their time for learning reduces delivery time, increases quality, and increases motivation. The 10% rule gives teams full autonomy to work on things they consider important. It results in freeing up people's creativity and letting teams grow their potential.

  • Microsoft Open-Sources P Language for Safe Async Event-Driven Programming

    Microsoft’s recently open-sourced P language aims to make it possible to write safe asynchronous event-driven programs on Linux, macOS, and Windows.