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InfoQ Homepage Testing Content on InfoQ

  • Growing Concerns among Developers about the AWS Free Tier

    In recent weeks many experts in the AWS community have been advocating for sandbox accounts on AWS and hard billing limits that cannot be exceeded to let engineers experiment with new services without jeopardizing their personal well-being.

  • Experiences from Having Developers Write E2E Tests

    Developers writing e2e tests can make code testable, provide fast feedback, and prevent bugs. Wix worked with their product managers, developers, and QA engineers to transition from QA-only testing, to having developers write e2e tests to shift QA left and deliver faster.

  • Adding Security to Testing to Enable Continuous Security Testing

    Teams can be trained by security experts to become able to identify areas to add security testing in the test process and add security checks as part of functional test automation. This can lead to continuous security testing where security defects can be spotted at an early stage with higher security testing coverage in every release.

  • Shifting Quality Left with the Test Pyramid

    Shifting quality left means building in quality much earlier in the software development cycle, rather than testing for quality after completion of development. Using the test pyramid model, a project was able to move testing towards earlier stages, thereby finding defects that caused integration issues earlier in development.

  • Ebay Open-Sources Package to Reduce Test Flakiness Using Swift and Xcode

    Targeted Auto Retry is Ebay's approach to dealing with test flakiness that aims to make a continuous integration pipeline more resilient to flaky test steps. To make this approach straightforward to use, Ebay has open sourced a lightweight framework for the Swift language that can be used with Xcode unit testing framework.

  • .NET News Roundup - Week of March 29th, 2021

    The last week of March was pretty intense in the .NET community, with the release of Project Reunion 0.5, Dapr 1.1, and more. InfoQ examined these and a number of smaller stories in the .NET ecosystem from the week of March 29th, 2021.

  • Developing Testing Skills outside of Working Hours

    Gamifying your way of testing, joining online testing communities of practice, and virtual traveling; these are examples of activities you can do outside of working hours that can make you a better tester. You can practice continuous learning with other testers in the world, and then implement things you learned at your workplace and share them with your team to improve ways of testing.

  • New Features in Chrome DevTools 89

    Earlier this month, Google released Chrome 89m, which includes several important updates to the DevTools, such as improved CSP violation handling, Puppeteer recording, improved cookie debugging, as well as many additional features.

  • Using Machine Learning in Testing and Maintenance

    With machine learning, we can reduce maintenance efforts and improve the quality of products. It can be used in various stages of the software testing life-cycle, including bug management, which is an important part of the chain. We can analyze large amounts of data for classifying, triaging, and prioritizing bugs in a more efficient way by means of machine learning algorithms.

  • New Features in Chrome 88 Devtools

    The recent release of Chrome 88 includes significant updates to the Chrome DevTools that include improved network debugging, experimental CSS Flexbox debugging tools, improved frame details view, new WASM debug capabilities, and general performance improvements.

  • WebdriverIO 7 Rewritten in Typescript, Released with Improved Lighthouse Integration

    The browser and mobile automation test framework WebdriverIO recently released a major update. Webdriver IO 7 is now written with TypeScript. TypeScript users may thus need to update their types, while JavaScript users should be largely unaffected. The new version also drops support for Node v10, upgrades the used Cucumber version to v7, and integrates better with Google Lighthouse.

  • Experiences from a Testing Tour of Pairing and Learning

    Being a solo tester on a team, Parveen Khan decided to do a testing tour where she paired remotely with testers and developers to explore topics. It became a testing journey of learning where she explored testing topics like performance testing, AI and ML, observability, and Sketchnoting. In doing these sessions she also experienced how pairing and sharing can help to develop oneself.

  • New Chrome Extension to Debug Compiled Wasm Code Stepping through C++ Source Files

    Google recently presented the progress made by the Chrome DevTools teams to improve the developer experience of debugging WebAssembly files. A new extension (in beta) allows developers to debug C and C++ apps compiled to WebAssembly by stepping through the original source code.

  • Google Open-Sources Python Fuzzy Testing Tool Atheris

    Google recently announced the open-sourcing of a new fuzzy testing engine for Python. The new fuzzer, Atheris, strives to find bugs in Python code and native extensions. Atheris can be used in combination with the Address Sanitizer and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer tools that detect memory corruption bugs and undefined behavior (e.g., buffer overflows, misaligned or null pointers).

  • Experiences from Testing Stochastic Data Science Models

    A data science model is a statistical black box; testing it requires an understanding of mathematical techniques like algorithms, randomness, and statistics. To validate data science models you can use thresholds to handle output variance.