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The (Not So) Hidden Social Drivers behind the Highest Performing Engineering Teams
Lizzie Matusov delves into how trust and psychological safety serve as powerful signals of team success with practical methods to evaluate and measure these key social dimensions.
Perspectives on Trust in Security & Privacy
The panelists discuss balancing the adjustment of the security posture and the user experience.
Building and Scaling a High-Performance Culture
Randy Shoup discusses team Autonomy, Trust and Pragmatism in the product development process.
The Right Amount of Trust for AI
Chris Butler discusses the building blocks of AI from a product/design perspective, what trust is, how trust is gained and lost, and techniques one can use to build trusted AI products.
Getting Them to Get It: Communicating beyond the Agile Bubble
Judy Rees discusses building trust, developing psychological safety, reducing conflict and misunderstandings while maintaining creative tension, and leading listeners in a practical session.
Consensual Software: Prioritizing Trust & Safety
Danielle Leong talks about how to apply a "consent filter" to product decisions to make a safer user experience and to help protect GitHub’s most vulnerable users from harm.
Building Trust: Developing Peer-to-Peer Feedback in Tech Teams
Emily Page and Doug Talbot discuss building trust in an organization by collecting feedback.
The Heart of Agile Is in Your Local Primary School
Richard Weissel advises Agile organizations to spend some time understanding what it is that makes the classroom environment a classic example of collaborative working based on trust and respect.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Organizations
Erwin van der Koogh discusses the habits that seem to stand behind successful organizations, Agile or not: simplicity, trust, cross-functional, autonomy, open, mastery, and customer focus.
Privacy is Always a Requirement
Eleanor McHugh shares insights on digital privacy, encouraging others to gather the minimum information possible about their users in order to serve their needs.
Reflections on Mistrusting Trust: How Policy & Technical People Use the T-word in Opposite Senses
Caspar Bowden discusses about duplicity, the impact of Snowden's revelations on the society and what can be done about trust today.
Changing Culture to Enable DevOps
Changing tools is easy when compared to changing people and processes. How can we cultivate an organization’s culture to identify and solve DevOps problems?