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Angular 5 Comes with Faster Incremental Compilation
Google has pushed Angular 5 out, adding build optimizations, incremental compilation, and better support for internationalization, among others.
TypeScript 2.6 Adds Strict Parameter Contravariance and More
Among new features in TypeScript 2.6 are a new flag to enforce strict parameter contravariance and improved tooling.
Microsoft Releases TypeScript 2.4
Microsoft has released version 2.4 of TypeScript. This version adds support for dynamic imports -- an ECMAScript 2018 feature -- and string-based enums.
Zero Runtime Exceptions in Production with Elm
At QCon London 2017, Richard Feldman, software engineer at noredink and author of “Elm in Action” from Manning, explained how their decision to switch to Elm led to a 100,000 LOC system running in production with zero runtime exceptions since 2015. Here, we provide a brief summary of Feldman’s key points.
TypeScript 2.3 Adds Generic Default Arguments, Async Iterators Support, and More
TypeScript 2.3 extends the language syntax by adding support for declaring defaults for generic type parameters and for async generators and iterators. It also aims to improve integration with existing JavaScript code with a new compile option and introduces official support for language server plugins.
Visual Studio Code 1.9 Extends Tasks, Improves Markdown Support and Terminal Performance
Following its monthly release cycle, Microsoft Visual Studio Code has reached version 1.9, which includes support for multiple-command tasks, synchronized markdown preview, faster terminal, and more.
TypeScript 2.1 Released
Microsoft has released version 2.1 of TypeScript, bringing a slew of productivity improvements and adding much needed functionality to code emitted for today's web browsers.
TypeScript 2.0 Released
Microsoft has released TypeScript 2.0, with Simplified Declaration File Acquisition, Non-nullable Types and Readonly modifiers. The release delivers close ECMAScript spec alignment, wide support for JavaScript libraries and tools, and a language service that powers a first class editing experience in all major editors.
Angular 2 Split, Dart Codebase Separated
Since its inception, the Angular 2 project has compiled TypeScript down to both JavaScript and Dart. With the final release on the horizon, the Dart portion has been spun off into its own codebase with its own team.
TypeScript 2.0 Preview
Anders Hejlsberg returned to Microsoft's Build conference in 2016 to talk about the current state of TypeScript and preview some amazing features coming in the next few months.
TypeScript 1.8 Brings Module Augmentation Support
Microsoft has released TypeScript 1.8, bringing the ability to use JavaScript code within a TypeScript project, and full support for module augmentation.
TypeScript 1.8 Beta Adds Integration with JavaScript, Stateless Functional Components and More
TypeScript, Microsoft’s open source superset of JavaScript, has reached 1.8 beta, bringing many new language features and tools enhancements.
Major Additions in NativeScript 1.5
NativeScript 1.5 has been released. One of the biggest developments is the support for TypeScript, allowing NativeScript users to develop their projects in TypeScript, without the need for TypeScript compilers.
Microsoft Bumps TypeScript to Version 1.7
Microsoft has released version 1.7 of TypeScript, which enables async/await for ES6 targets and introduces a polymorphic this type.
Typescript to Support React
Microsoft have released the beta for TypeScript 1.6, and with it support for React. Program manager Jonathan Turner explains that while the TypeScript team has collaborated with teams responsible for libraries including Dojo, Aurelia, and Angular, React is "an important library" that that has been difficult for TypeScript developers.