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Facebook and University Researchers Developing Mind-Reading System
As part of a Facebook Reality Labs (FRL) brain-computer interface (BCI) research program called Project Steno, a team of scientists from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) described their work on converting brain waves into a text transcription of speech. The goal of Facebook's project is a device that allows users to "type" by imagining themselves speaking.
Applying Cyberpsychology Research for a Positive Internet Experience
There is a lot of opinion and not enough fact on how we use the internet and the effect of the internet on our lives; the goal of cyberpsychology is to establish the facts, said Oonagh O'Brien. At 2019 she spoke about her research on the use of the internet and its effects on student well-being and academic performance, and on positive use of and positive development on the internet.
Ionic Introduces Stencil One, Targeting Fast, Reusable UI Components and Apps
The Ionic Framework’s new “Stencil One” compiles to optimized Web Components and progressive web apps. Developers may write a component once, and reuse it in any framework – Angular, React, Vue, Ember or with plain vanilla JavaScript, by adjusting the Stencil compiler options. Stencil One also provides pre-rendering, automatic component documentation, Hot Module and Style Replacement, and more.
UX Design Ethics: Dealing with Dark Patterns and Designer Bias
It’s easy to design an interface that persuades users into something that’s in the interest of a company. The question design community needs to ask more often is if we should comply with such practices, argued Agnieszka Urbańska and Ewelina Skłodowska, UX designers, at ACE! 2019. Dark patterns and even unconscious designer’s bias contradict empathy and are incompatible with human-centered design.
How Design Systems Support Team Communication and Collaboration
By using design systems, design teams can improve their workflow, reuse their knowledge, and ensure better consistency, said Stefan Ivanov. They allow one to fail faster and to speed up the iteration cycle, enable spending more time collecting user feedback in the early stages of product design, and reach the sweet spot of a product market fit much faster.
Yelp Bento Aims to Simplify Modularized UI Development on Android
Yelp has open-sourced Bento, a framework to build modularized user interface on Android by combining different, reusable components into a single screen.
Ink: React for Interactive Command-Line Apps
Ink.js, self-described as "React for Command Line Interfaces", recently released its second major iteration. Ink enables to build command-line apps by assembling React components. Developers may then leverage their React knowledge, and the React ecosystem.
React 16.8 Releases React Hooks: Reusable and Composable Logic in React Components
The React team recently released React 16.8 featuring React Hooks. Hooks encapsulate impure logic (such as state, or effects) with a functional syntax that allow hooks to be reused, composed, and tested independently. Developers may additionally define their own Hooks by composition with the predefined Hooks shipped with React 16.8.
Emotion 10: CSS-in-JS with Flexible Scoped and Global Styling, and Server-Side Rendering
Emotion 10.0, a CSS-in-JS library, is a massive, long-awaited release with new features, improvements and bug fixes. Components can now be styled with the CSS property in a larger set of contexts, with a more natural syntax allowing access to the theme properties. A new Global component enables dynamic global styling. Those changes in turn made possible zero-configuration server-side rendering.
Anime.js 3.0 Released: New Animation Options, New Documentation Website
Julian Garnier recently released Anime 3.0. The third major iteration of Anime features new animation options, ES6 module support together with a new build process, and a new showcasing website which doubles as documentation.
Xiaoya Wei on Airbnb's Knowledge Graph
Airbnb's knowledge graph encodes information about their inventory and the world in a graph structure. This structure is based on a hierarchical taxonomy. InfoQ caught up with Xiaoya Wei, software engineer at Airbnb, regarding their knowledge graph and how it helps them categorize their inventory and deliver travel context to their users.
Epoc.js: Open Source JavaScript Brain-Sensor Controller Software
The recent transition from science fiction to reality for the Brain Machine Interface, coupled with Atwood's Law, "any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript," had led to Epoc.js, an open source control software for the Emotiv line of brain sensors.
Building Human Interfaces with Artificial Intelligence
AI helps us to build human interfaces based on speaking and writing, instead of using a keyboard or mouse; it allows humans to stay human. The biggest challenges are finding ways to tell systems what answers are unsatisfactory to help them learn, be transparent in what data is recorded and retained, and ensure that diversity and inclusion is part of our training data to prevent bias in AI systems.
Chatbots 101 for Developers: Q&A with Anamita Guha
Chatbots are becoming more critical to developers in their daily lives – from understanding how the technology operates, to creating better code. Developers tend to have a natural curiosity about bots and the tech behind it. Artificial intelligence tools exist to address emotional intelligence with chatbots in conversational interfaces.
Update on the “Fluent UI” Or Ribbon Design
Two weeks ago we reported on the “fluent UI”, or ribbon design, that Microsoft sued Corel over. Since then we have been able to get an update from Microsoft.