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InfoQ Homepage User Interface Content on InfoQ

  • An Early Look at Avalonia, a Cross-Platform UI Toolkit for .NET

    An often-cited hole in the .NET Core ecosystem is the lack of any true cross-platform UI toolkit. While there have been attempts at a multi-platform in the past such as Silverlight and Xamarin Forms, no one has yet achieved a full XAML-style cross-platform option. Avalonia is making the attempt with plans to support Windows, Linux (GTK), MacOS, Android and iOS. However, they need your help.

  • Bootstrap 4 Released, But It May Be Unnecessary

    After three years in development, the front-end framework Bootstrap 4 has been released. But it emerges into a world with a dramatically different web than existed when Mark Otto made the first commit, leading some developers to question if it's even necessary.

  • Automated Acceptance Testing Supports Continuous Delivery

    Automated acceptance tests are an essential component of a continuous delivery style testing strategy, as they give an important and different insight into the behaviour of our systems. Developers must own the responsibility to keep acceptance tests running and passing, argued Dave Farley; you don't want to have a separate QA team lagging behind a development team.

  • Facebook Litho: An Android UI Framework Created for Performance

    Facebook has open sourced Litho, a framework for creating user interfaces in Android applications using a React-like declarative style with scrolling performance in mind.

  • Developing for the Microsoft Surface Hub

    Microsoft has released a series of nine videos to explain how to design and develop applications for the Microsoft Surface Hub. These videos are intended for both developers and designers who are using the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

  • Getting the Data Needed for Data Science

    Data science is about the data that you need; deciding which data to collect, create, or keep is fundamental argues Lukas Vermeer, an experienced Data Science professional and Product Owner for Experimentation at True innovation starts with asking big questions, then it becomes apparent which data is needed to find the answers you seek.

  • The Body as Interface and Interpreting the Body talks at Bristol Girl Geek Dinner Event

    Tamara Chehayeb Makarem and Jenny Gaudion of Scott Logic will be speaking at a Girl Geek Dinner event on 20th July in Bristol, UK on the complimentary topics of ‘Body as Interface’ and ‘Interpreting the body’. They spoke to InfoQ about the different ways the body can be an interface with technology systems, how our thinking about user experience needs to change and interpreting body-based data.

  • Collision: Online Harassment and Machine Learning

    Online harassment is a serious issue, one that the engineers and designers behind the keyboard don't always think about when building software. Machine learning is become more prevalent but as more technology companies take advantage of it, they risk alienating their users even more by presenting content that isn't actually relevant.

  • Funnel Analysis at Twitter for Improving User Engagement

    Funnel analysis is used to analyze a sequence of events to help with user engagement on a website or a mobile application. Data Science team at Twitter uses this concept to learn how users interact with user interfaces during sign up or tweeting for improving user engagement with Twitter.

  • Angular Material 1.0 is Here

    Angular Material 1.0 has been released.

  • UI Design: Go Out and Get Data

    Chris Atherton did the closing keynote of the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference in which she talked about designing software. She suggests that, in stead of relying on professional opinions on how software should look or work, it can be better to go out and get data from real users. InfoQ interviewed her about designing and testing user interfaces.

  • Atomic: A UI Designer for Android, iOS and the Web

    Atomic is a user interface designer that runs in the browser. Without writing any code, application designers can use it to show how the interface of an application should look like and behave when certain commands are executed.

  • How to Improve Android App Performance

    Performance is key to mobile apps. Google provides a lot of training material to improve performance in Android apps. A brief overview of tips and techniques.

  • Google Strategies for Automated Android UI Testing

    Convinced that “whatever can be unit tested should be unit tested”, Mona El Mahdy, a Software Engineer in Test at Google, has written a blog post proposing several approaches to perform unit tests on the user interface of Android applications. Mahdy recommends Robolectric and the Android Studio Gradle plug-in for general unit testing, and Espresso or UI Automator for creating and running UI tests.

  • Sensible Cocoa STV 4.0 Further Advances Visual UI Programming on iOS

    Sensible Cocoa STV 4.0 is a framework that allows you to create native data-driven apps for iOS by defining your data model and then visually binding it to your UI in Xcode. Sensible Cocoa claims that “developers save on average about 70% of their development time when they start using STV in their applications.” InfoQ has talked to Sensible Cocoa founder Tarek Sakr about their product.