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Upcoming Rails 4.0 Release Drops Ruby 1.8 Support, Improves Background Jobs, Caching And More
The upcoming Ruby on Rails 4.0 release will drop support for Ruby 1.8 and comes with many new features. The most important ones are support for strong parameters for mass-assignment protection, a new queue for background tasks, and caching improvements.
Talking WebSharper with Adam Granicz
The F#-based framework, WebSharper, was recently released as an open source project. We spoke with Adam Granicz, CEO of IntelliFactory about the transition and WebSharper’s F# to JavaScript compiler.
Yahoo! Open Sources Mojito, a JavaScript Framework Promising Write Once, Run Anywhere
Yahoo! has open source Mojito, a framework for creating reusable widgets incorporated in various web applications and executed either on the client or the server-side without code change.
ZK Web Framework 6.0 Released: New Data Binding System
ZK Web Framework 6.0 released with a completely new data binding system, jQuery style selectors that run on the server, Servlet 3.0 Async support, new components and several other enhancements.
PHP 5.4 Drops Register Globals, Adds Traits
PHP 5.4, the first major update since 2009, was finalized this month. This release includes several language enhancements including support for Traits as well as the removal of some controversial features.
ASP.NET MVC Model Binding
Model Binding is a feature that simplifies controller actions by using the request data to create strongly typed objects. Jess Chadwick takes a deep dive into this feature in an MSDN article and explores complex scenarios, as well as creating custom model binders when the default model binder is not enough.
PrimeFaces 3.0 Released: Ajax, Mobile and IE 9 Components for JSF2
PrimeFaces 3.0 was recently released offering an extensive suite of JSF2 Ajax enabled components, a separate version for iPhone/Android devices and support for Internet Explorer 9.
Phalanger Roundup
Phalanger 3 is out with improved support for PHP namespaces, Mono/Linux, and C# interoperability.
Ruby on Rails: 3.2 RC1 Released, 4.0 Will Drop Ruby 1.8.7
The Ruby on Rails team announced the first release candidate of Rails 3.2. New features include a faster development mode, an explain feature for database queries and several smaller features. After 3.2, the next major release of Rails will be 4.0 and drop support for Ruby 1.8.7
Safe User-Generated Templates for Ruby and .NET
Unlike other templating engines that focus on given as much power as possible to the user, Liquid is designed to restrict what the user can do. The goal is to allow end-users to create their own templates without jeopardizing the security of the server. Originally created for Ruby, Liquid is now available for .NET as well.
ASP.NET MVC, Dependency Injection, and MEF 2
For most types of applications dependency injection frameworks don’t make whole lot of sense. It is usually more than sufficient to manually wire up all of the dependencies during startup. But for ASP.NET MVC there are also session and request scoped dependencies. With so many competing lifecycles a DI framework quickly moves from needless distraction to an essential organizational tool.
Partial Caching and ASP.NET
When it comes to performance developers often need to turn to partial page caching. This report looks at the current state of caching in ASP.NET and introduces a new project for MVC 3 called MvcDonutCaching.
Scala+GWT Brings Scala to the Browser, New Documentation Site and Scala Days 2012 Announced
Scala+GWT makes it possible to run Scala in the browser, the latest release supports most of the language. The new Scala+GWT Eclipse plug-in uses GWT's development mode for faster turnaround. Also, the Scala team announced a new documentation website and the date for 2012's Scala Days conference.
Yahoo! Cocktails with Mojito JavaScript Framework and Manhattan Cloud
Yahoo! has recently announced Cocktails, a set of technologies that make it easy to develop and host applications that can run on both client and server-side environments. Cocktails is composed of Yahoo! Mojito, an environment-agnostic JavaScript web application framework, and Yahoo! Manhattan, a hosted platform (PaaS) for Mojito-based applications.
Clojure Web Frameworks Round-Up: Enlive & Compojure
Clojure is rather new member of the LISP family of languages which runs on the Java platform. Introduced in 2007 it has generated a lot of interest. InfoQ had a small Q&A with James Reeves and Christophe Grand, the creators of Enlive and Compojure, about their projects and their experiences working with Clojure.