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  • Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 Brings Tools for WPF Developers Too

    Silverlight 4 was released back in April without essential development tools.Recently it was announced that Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 is ready. In addition to basic Silverlight 4 support and templates for RIA Services, there are many IDE enhancements to make working with Silverlight, WPF, and XAML easier.

  • Using WPF to Support 25 Simultaneous Mice on a Single Computer

    Microsoft has recently released a new version of their MultiPoint Mouse SDK. This technology is designed to allow up to 25 users to simultaneously interact with a single PC each using their own mouse. The stated goal of this technology is to support educational environments and full-class participation.

  • February’s WPF Toolkit Brings Three New Controls

    February’s edition of the WPF Toolkit brings three more controls from Silverlight: Accordion, AutoCompleteBox, and Rating.

  • PyBinding: Python Scripting for XAML

    WPF developers often find themselves with an unappetizing choice. They have to either pollute their code-behind files with special case logic or create value converter classes, most of which will only be used once. PyBinding offers a third option, embedding small scripts right inside the XAML.

  • .NET 4.0 Brings XAML 2009, but Not for WPF Users

    At PDC 2009, Michael Shim and Rob Relyea presented Microsoft’s plans for the future of XAML. Long term, they plan on unifying the various XAML languages and parsers, but for now developers will only get XAML 2009 for non-UI technologies like Workflow Foundation. The new parser, on the other hand, will bring new functionality to everyone who needs to analyze, manipulate, or generate XAML.

  • Creating Facebook Applications in WPF, Silverlight, WinForms, and ASP.NET with Facebook SDK 3.0

    Clarity Consulting Inc. and Microsoft have released Facebook SDK 3.0, a toolkit allowing developers to write WPF, Silverlight, WinForms or ASP.NET applications integrated with Facebook.

  • WPF vs. Silverlight – What Really is the Difference?

    As both WPF and Silverlight increase in importance, the confusion about the difference between the two has also increased. Back in June Wintellect released an incredibly important whitepaper on the topic titled "Microsoft WPF-Silverlight Comparison Whitepaper". While we recommend developers read all of it, we offer you a summary of the major ones that impact line-of-business developers.

  • What’s new in WPF 4.0?

    WPF 4.0 will be adding new controls, Pixel Shader 3.0, and a completely rewritten text rendering pipeline. These and other features will find their way into Visual Studio 2010, expected early next year.

  • Serious Memory Leaks Plague WPF

    WPF, also known as Windows Presentation Foundation, represents the future of UI on the Windows platform. And if Microsoft has its way, its younger sibling Silerlight will take over the web and mobile markets. But like any new technology, it has some issues to work through including some rather serious memory leaks.

  • Screenshots of Visual Studio 2010 with WPF UI

    Jason Zander, General Manager of Visual Studio, posted the first images of Visual Studio 2010 where WPF is used to render the Visual Studio UI. Users will be able to try this for themselves in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 coming later this year.

  • PRISM 2 Supports Silverlight

    Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight v2.0, a.k.a. PRISM 2, has been released on Microsoft Downloads. This release offers guidance for building Silverlight client applications as well as guidance for reusing code between WPF applications and Silverlight ones.

  • CSLA .NET 3.6 Supports Silverlight 2.0

    The Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture for .NET (CSLA .NET) version 3.6 has been released including support for Microsoft Silverlight 2.0. CSLA .NET is a .NET software development framework which helps one to “build a powerful, maintainable business logic layer for Windows, Web, service-oriented and workflow applications”.

  • Update on the .NET Reference Source

    With the release of the 3.5/SP 1 source code for WPF, we take the opportunity to look at what's been going in the realm of .NET Source.

  • Crack.NET – Like Greasemonkey for WinForms and WPF Applications

    Using tools like Greasemonkey, users are able to extend many web applications whether or not the site owners want them to. With Crack.NET, that same level of user control can be achieved over WinForm and WPF-based .NET applications.

  • WPF Designer Hotfix for VS 2008 SP 1

    If you are working with WPF and do not already have Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio 2008 SP1, you should consider downloading this hotfix. It fixes several bugs in the WPF designer, at least two of which complete crashes Visual Studio.