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  • The Using CSLA .NET 3.0 Book now available for VB.NET and C#

    The latest version of Rocky Lhotka's Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture for .NET (CSLA .NET) book, is available for C# and now VB.NET. The framework enables developers to create an object-oriented business layer that abstracts and encapsulates the business logic and data.

  • An Interview with Ian Griffiths

    In this interview, Ian Griffiths talks about the key features of WPF such as XAML, composition, layout, animation, and data binding.

  • Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed - Review and Sample Chapter

    WPF Unleashed by Adam Nathan has been leading the Amazon charts in positive reviews, so we thought we would take it for a spin. Turns out, the book lives up to the hype. In addition, InfoQ was able to obtain the most important chapter of the book. Chapter 3 includes coverage of WPF's property and event system, a system that is unlike anything else on the Windows platform.

  • Isolation for WPF Add-Ins

    For many applications, the ability to extend the application with third party features is essential. Microsoft's CLR Add-In team has been working on a formal model and API to make this task easier by isolating GUI elements in separate AppDomains.

  • Moonlight Milestone Reached: Silverlight Chess

    The Moonlight project has reached the point where it can run the Silverlight Chess demo application. This represents a major milestone for the Mono team who are racing to keep up with Microsoft's Silverlight project.

  • An Insider's View of WPF: Chris Anderson

    Chris Anderson was one of the chief architects of WPF. In this interview Chris provides an insider's viewpoint on why Microsoft created Windows Presentation Foundation, the software methodologies used by the development team and why he feels WPF is a tipping point.

  • Article: Intro to .NET 3.0 for Architects

    Mohammad Akif introduces the concepts behind .NET 3.0 that architects need to understand. Mohammad walks through the basics of Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Workflow Foundation and Windows Card Spaces.

  • The Buzz on Acropolis

    On June 5, David Hill of Microsoft announced the coming of a new client application development framework code-named Acropolis. The intent is to ship in one year's time a set of components and tools to ease the development of complex many-screened modular client applications on the .NET Framework. How did the community react?

  • Presentation: Windows Presentation Foundation: The Future of Windows

    Windows Presentation Foundation is a fundamental shift from how interactive applications have previously worked in Windows. In this session, Ian Griffiths shows key features of WPF such as XAML, composition, layout, animation, and data binding. Moreover, we will examine the need for WPF, showing both how and why it differs so radically from the classic Win32 approach.

  • WPF/E is Now Silverlight

    With much fanfare, Microsoft has announced Silverlight, a new cross-platform, browser independent runtime designed based on XAML and JavaScript with the potential to go head to head with Adobe Flash.

  • Is XML the Future of UI Development?

    Or is it JavaScript? A common trend in the new crop of desktop UI frameworks is that they are XML based with some sort of support for JavaScript. We take a brief look at AJAX, WPF/XAML, Flex/MXML, and Firefox’s Gran Paradiso.

  • Visual Studio Orcas Round-Up

    InfoQ has assembled a summary of the features included in the March CTP of Visual Studio Orcas. The Orcas CTP, which is expected to be released as VS 2007, can be downloaded from MSDN.

  • Interview: Walt Ritscher at VSLive

    InfoQ sat down with Walt Ritscher at VSLive Toronto to talk about WPF, Web 2.0, and Microsoft code naming conventions. Walt prophecies where he thinks WPF excels and who will build the killer apps in WPF. Included is a quick history on AJAX, where to use it and why it took 7 years to become relevant. Walt also shares his new favorite Windows technology, Windows PowerShell.

  • Presentation: Billy Hollis on Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals

    Enjoy this Billy Hollis presention on Windows Presentation Foundation. Billy begins with the the reasoning behind WPF, moves to the basics and finishes with where WPF excels as a solution set.

  • WPF as a Rich Client Technology?

    WPF makes it easy to create visually impressive apps, but also has other talents which make it a compelling choice as a rich client over back-ends written in any technology such as Java, Ruby, or .NET. A new article on InfoQ compares WPF to alternatives such as Ajax/DHTML, Swing, and Flash; it will also look at some scenarios where a WPF client makes sense, using Java as the back-end example.