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InfoQ Homepage Web Development Content on InfoQ

  • Silverlight at Major League

    Learn about the re-launch of Major League Baseball’s website on Silverlight. With the website’s back-end written in Java and much of the user interface built with JSP, is not your typical candidate for adopting Microsoft’s newest technology for building Rich Internet Apps. Henry Belmont and Thaniya Keereepart share the reasoning behind choice and implementation details.

    Silverlight at Major League
  • Charles Nutter discusses JRuby

    JRuby project lead Charles Nutter discusses how he got involved with JRuby, Sun's involvement with JRuby, how JRuby fits into enterprise-level web applications, the possibility of a friendly fork of the OpenJDK source code, reasons for switching to JRuby, the future of JRuby, Spring and JRuby, and the Ruby community as a whole.

    Charles Nutter discusses JRuby
  • Rod Johnson discusses the Spring Portfolio

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco, SpringSource CEO Rod Johnson discusses the origins and philosophy of Spring, the Spring Portfolio, Spring Web Flow, Spring Batch, Spring.Net, the partnership with Tasktop Technologies, and community involvement and utilization of Spring.

    Rod Johnson discusses the Spring Portfolio
  • Websphere CTO Jerry Cuomo on REST & Project Zero

    IBM Fellow and WebSphere CTO Jerry Cuomo talks about REST and Project Zero, IBM's new Groovy & PHP based RESTful app mashup / scripting / dev tool.

    Websphere CTO Jerry Cuomo on REST & Project Zero
  • Bruce Johnson discusses Google Web Toolkit

    Google Web Toolkit (GWT) tech lead Bruce Johnson discusses the design of GWT, how GWT converts Java into JavaScript, community involvement with GWT, new features in GWT 1.4, and the philosophy behind GWT.

    Bruce Johnson discusses Google Web Toolkit
  • Joe Walker on DWR

    InfoQ spoke with Joe Walker at QCon London 2007 about the DWR toolkit. Walker discussed DWR 2.0 including new features such as details about 'reverse AJAX', the deal with TIBCO, DWR support in IDEs, the integration with Spring, future plans for DWR, and interesting applications of DWR from the very large to the very flashy.

    Joe Walker on DWR
  • Ian Griffiths on WPF

    Windows Presentation Foundation is a fundamental shift from how interactive applications have previously worked in Windows. In this interview, Ian Griffiths talks about the key features of WPF such as XAML, composition, layout, animation, and data binding. Included is advice on when to use WPF and its sister technology Windows Forms.

    Ian Griffiths on WPF
  • Peter Kriens discusses OSGi

    InfoQ recently sat down with Peter Kriens of the OSGi Alliance to learn more about OSGi. Kriens discussed OSGi's origins in the mobile space, it's integration with Eclipse, the current integration work with Spring, and the future R5 specification. He also discussed the ongoing debate over OSGi and JSR 277, and gave his perspective on what an ideal solution would be for modularity at the JVM level.

    Peter Kriens discusses OSGi
  • Rich Kilmer on the Power of Ruby

    Top rubyist Rich Kilmer gives InfoQ visitors an eye-opening look into his years of success using Ruby to tackle tough defense-related challenges at Darpa. Our interview covers a wide range of cutting-edge technologies from DSLs to Semantic Web technologies such as OWL, to using Flash as a front-end UI framework.

    Rich Kilmer on the Power of Ruby
  • OSGi & Spring In-depth with Adrian Colyer

    Adrian Colyer goes in-depth on OSGi, its uses, future impact on the industry, and how Spring will make development with OSGi easier. Adrian talks about how OSGi may change the definition of an application server and JSR 277 vs. OSGi. According to Adrian, OSGi is going to change the deployment and run time model for enterprise applications.

    OSGi & Spring In-depth with Adrian Colyer
  •'s Dion Almaer Interview

    In this interview Ajaxian cofounder Dion Almaer talks about the state of Ajax development today. Among the items he discusses are the history of how Ajax came to be, which frameworks he recommends developers consider, and tooling/debuggins support. Almaer also talks about security and general design considerations that need to be respected when creating Ajax enabled applications.'s Dion Almaer Interview
  • Walt Ritscher on WPF, Web 2.0 and more

    InfoQ sat down with Walt Ritscher at VSLive Toronto to talk about WPF, Web 2.0, and Microsoft code naming conventions. Listen to Walt share where he thinks WPF excels and who will build the killer apps in WPF. Walt provides a quick history on AJAX, where to use it and why it took 7 years to become relevant. Walt also lets us in on his new favorite Windows technology, Windows PowerShell.

    Walt Ritscher on WPF, Web 2.0 and more