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Debugging Single Page Web Apps with Michael Mahemoff
Chrome Developer Advocate Michael Mahemoff, talks about the importance of single page web apps and the challenges that developers have to face while building them. He elaborates on developer tools, debugging techniques, Chrome Web Store and the future of web apps.
Future of Web Application Security, with Tyler Close
As web applications have evolved away from the old client-server model, so have the security threads. In this interview Tyler Close talks about common security challenges and how these are affected by the new HTML5 APIs and Ecmascript 5.
ECMAScript 5, Caja and Retrofitting Security, with Mark S. Miller
Mark S. Miller talks about the security considerations of JavaScript and how they are dealt with in ECMAScript 5 and the Caja project. He also mentions issues that have to do with HTML5 and compares the security characteristics of other languages like Java and Scheme.
Browser APIs, Extentions and Add-on Security, with Brian Warner
Brian Warner, which is an engineer with Mozilla Labs, talks about Browser Extension APIs and how the Jetpack SDK and CommonJS are changing the way we use the browser as a development platform. He also talks about the differences between the popular browsers and the security considerations that arise from trusting 3rd-party add-ons.
Dion Almaer on the State of HTML5 and Javascript
Dion Almaer discusses Javascript and DOM performance, the state of WebGL and Canvas, HTML5 security, and the role of native code in HTML/Javascript applications in general and on WebOS.
Dean Wampler on the State of Scala: 2.8, Concurrency, Functional Programming
Dean Wampler discusses the state of Scala: the big changes in 2.8, the Scala on .NET, concurrency and parallelism with Scala and Akka, and experiences with adoption of functional languages.
Juergen Hoeller on the Past and Future of Spring
Juergen Hoeller explains the past and future of the Spring framework: how it will make use of Java 7 features like Fork/Join, work with JEE6 and PaaS platforms, and much more.
Deep inside Node.js with Ryan Dahl
Node.js aims to abstract the problem of concurrency and allow programmers with little experience to easily create servers that scale into the thousands of connections. This interview with the creator of Node.js, Ryan Dahl goes beyond the basic introductory information and focuses on motivations, internals and real-world issues like debugging, monitoring and scaling in the large.
Brad Abrams on Google, Spring Tools Integration
In this interview Google tools honcho from Brad Abrams talks about how Google tools integrate with Spring tools to help make Java developers’ lives easier. Abrams discusses Google’s reasons for targeting the popular Spring Framework. He also delves into the integrations between Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Speed Tracer with Spring tools such as Roo, STS, Spring Insight and more.
Doug Crockford on HTML and Fixing the Web
In this interview, Doug Crockford discusses his views on HTML5, which basically amount to a warning that the technology is not quite ready and poses potential risks is widely adopted too quickly. Crockford also talks about the evolution of JavaScript, which has become his favorite language, and of the ECMAScript 5 standard. In addition, Crockford calls for the eradication of IE6.
Laforge and Rocher Discuss the future of Groovy, Grails and Java
In this interview, Graeme Rocher and Guillaume Laforge of SpringSource talk about the present and future of the Grails framework and the Groovy language. Rocher talks about Grails 1.4 and some of its enhancements such as improvements to GORM. And Laforge discusses Groovy 1.8, which features new DSL authoring capabilities, among other things. They look at how Java’s future impacts their projects.
Yehuda Katz Discusses SproutCore
In this interview, Yehuda Katz, a recent arrival to Strobe Inc., discusses the SproutCore open-source JavaScript framework. Katz, of Ruby on Rails fame, joined the SproutCore effort in September. Katz talks about SproutCore 1.5, which is expected early in 2011 and will be the key mobile release of the SproutCore technology.