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Presentation: Mark Little's "Diary of a Fence Sitting SOA Geek"
In this presentation, recorded at QCon London 2008, Mark Little explains the history of SOAP/WSDL/WS-*-based web services and RESTful HTTP and shows that both approaches have their roles to play in any good architect's toolkit. He elaborates on where possible convergence could, or should, occur within the industry.
The Value Of Atom?
In a comment on a recent InfoQ article, Bill Burke asks about the value proposition of Atom and specifically whether or not it's just a "sexier replacement" for SOAP. Bill de hOra tries to help answer the question.
Netflix Releases REST API
The Netflix team announces the release of the Netflix API. The release includes three components, a JavaScript API, REST Programming API and Atom feeds.
Article: Webber, Parastatidis and Robinson on "How to GET a Cup of Coffee"
In a new article, Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis and Ian Robinson show how to drive an application's flow through the use of hypermedia in a RESTful application, using the well-known example from Gregor Hohpe's "Starbucks does not use Two-Phase-Commit" to illustrate how the Web's concepts can be used for integration purposes.
A Comparison of JAX-RS Implementations
The JAX-RS world now has at least 4 different implementations to choose from. But which is the best? Is that a valid question to ask at all? Well Solomon Duskis has set out to try to answer the question as best he can but comparing and contrasting the leading lights in this area.
JSR 311 Final: Java API for RESTful Web Services
After a little more than one and a half years, the Java platform gets its own API for building RESTful web services: JAX-RS, JSR 311. InfoQ had a chance to talk to spec leads Marc Hadley and Paul Sandoz.
WOA vs SOA Debate
In an interview, Loraine Lawson asked Gartner Vice President Nick Gall, who is credited with first describing Web-oriented architecture (WOA), to give business and IT leaders the bottom line about the WOA versus SOA debate
Enterprise Web Conf: WOI, REST, and Mashups in New York Oct 28 & London Oct 30
InfoQ and have teamed up to bring you a one-day conference covering the emerging theory and practices behind RESTful SOA and Enterprise Mashups, called the 'Enterprise Web'. The event covers the emerging trends of web oriented integration/architecture, web as a platform, mashups, REST, and more.
SOA Adopting WOA?
Dion Hinchcliffe writes about how SOA and WOA are actually more complimentary than competitive. According to Dion, adopting a WOA-based approach offers a lower entry barrier to developers as well as advantages over more traditional approaches to SOA. Dion believes that WOA is not synonymous with REST and that much of the anti-WOA debate is due to SOA vendors and pundits "protecting their turf".
Deploying a 1 Terabyte Cache using EhCache Server
Greg Luck provides an overview of alternate deployment configurations for a 1 terabyte cache based on EhCache Server.
WOA Governance Is Different To SOA Governance
In a recent article, Dan Foody CTO of Actional discusses how Web-based architectures need governance, but that it will be fundamentally different to SOA governance.
AtomPub in the .NET World
With the advent of .NET 3.5 SP1 and Microsoft’s decision to support the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) for services offered by Microsoft's Live Platform, AtomPub is gaining momentum in the .NET world. In addition, an AtomPub server for WCF and .NET, features an implementation of the AtomPub protocol based on a provider model.
SOAP Stack an Embarrassing Failure?
The debate over REST vs. SOAP is really an age-old one. However it fired up again over a recent remark by XML guru Tim Bray that SOAP stack is an embarrassing failure.
Best Practices for SOA Governance: a User Survey
One of the key takeaways from this survey is that SOA is real and happening on a large scale. Governance was critical or moderately important for 91% of the respondents. The survey also sampled the most popular SOA standards. InfoQ spoke with Miko Matsumura, Deputy CTO of Software AG, who commented the results.
Securing the Web with Decentralized Information Flow Control
Max Krohn and his colleagues at MIT developed a new end-to-end security architecture to help achieving data secrecy and integrity across complex Web Applications. In this talk and a series of papers, Max presents their findings and a use case based on MoinMoin Wiki.