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TensorSpace.js Delivers Neural Network 3D Visualization Framework
TensorSpace.js provides an open source browser-based neural network data visualization framework to complement the growing machine learning landscape by supporting pre-trained models created with TensorFlow.js, Keras, or TensorFlow.
Babylon.js 3.2 Release Improves 3D Rendering
The Babylon.js team has announced their 3.2 release which leverages additional WebGL 2.0 features to improve its 3D rendering, further embraces modern JavaScript and TypeScript patterns, and adds more animation options and special effects.
Babylon.js 3.0 Released, Supports WebGL 2
Babylon.js, Microsoft's native JavaScript-based 3D game engine, has reached version 3. The new version supports WebGL 2 and includes a rewritten component for handling physical based rendering (PBR). In addition, developers can use the playground, an in-browser editor, and Spector, a WebGL debugger.
The Current Status of Browser-based Virtual Reality in HTML5
The SFHTML5 group recently had a meeting discussing HTML5 technologies for creating virtual reality experiences – WebGL, WebVR, Three.js, GLAM –, and the current development status for implementing support for them in Firefox and Chrome. The idea is to bring the entire web into the VR experience.
BrainBrowser: v2.0 of JavaScript Library for Neuroimaging Released
BrainBrowser -- the JavaScript library for web-based 3D visualization tools aimed at neuroimaging -- has released version 2.0.
Mozilla and Unity Team Up to Rule Web Gameplay
Mozilla and Unity recently announced they have joined forces to bring Unity's popular game engine to the web using WebGL standard and Mozilla’s asm.js.
Internet Explorer 11 Adds New F12 Tools, Improved Touch, WebGL, WebCrypto and Hardware 3D Support
Internet Explorer 11 included with Windows 8.1 includes new F12 tools, support for WebGL and Hardware 3D in addition to touch improvements.
Google News: Chrome OS, Chrome Web Store, and Cloud Print
Google has announced recently a number of new developments: the status of Chrome OS, a new market for applications running in Chrome, and cloud printing support in Chrome, all preparing the way for Chrome OS devices.