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Performance Tuning for Apache Tomcat
Mark Thomas, a member of the Tomcat PMC, explains the tuning process for Tomcat, JVM and the applications running on them considering different usage patterns, hardware and network configurations.
OSGi for Application Developers
Neil Bartlett presents OSGi to Java developers: an introduction to OSGi, infrastructure projects using OSGi, the partial failure of OOP, the benefits of using COP, plus a demo.
Google App Engine and the Google Data APIs
This presentation introduces the Google App Engine and an overview of its features while building a simple application. Integration with the Google Data APIs is demonstrated.
Keynote: The Future of Java Innovation
Rod Johnson believes Java will continue to evolve outside of Sun as it has done lately. As proof he mentions SpringSource's latest contributions: Grails, Roo, free STS, tc Server and dm Server.
Introduction to SpringSource dm Server
Rod Johnson introduces the dm Server by taking a high-level look at it, trying to clear up some misconceptions about what dm Server is, and showing some of the internal workings of the server.
HTTP Status Report
In this QCon presentation, HTTPbis WG chair Mark Nottingham gives an update on the current status of the HTTP protocol in the wild, and the ongoing work to clarify the HTTP specification.
Application Services on the Web:
Dave Carroll describes as a platform for creating enterprise applications in the Cloud using web service APIs, server side logic, service oriented application support and ALM services.
Behind the Scenes at
Dan Farino talks about administering thousands of web servers from a system’s architect viewpoint, detailing on performance counter monitoring, the system profiler and the system administration site.
REST: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Web's Architecture
In this presentation, recorded at QCon London, Stefan Tilkov introduces the key principles of REST, explaining the differences to other distributed systems architectures and highlighting its benefits.
Eric Nelson on Windows as a Web Platform
Eric Nelson explores Windows as a web platform using IIS 7.0 providing an architecture deep dive and striving to reduce the lines of code in web applications.
Voca, UK's largest payment processing engine running Spring
William Soo and Meeraj Kunnumpurath discuss the Voca transaction processing system, architectural challenges and requirements, Voca's Spring/J2EE architecture, and the future SEPA architecture.
Spring 2 and Beyond
Spring Creator Rod Johnson explains the new features in Spring 2.0 and gives a glimpse of what's in store in the future.