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InfoQ Culture & Methods Trends Report - March 2022
The culture and methods trends report for 2022 shows that organizations, teams, and individuals face challenges on multiple fronts. Tackling hybrid work, the impact of the great resignation, wellness, diversity, and inclusion are topics that leaders need to address head-on to build creative and collaborative cultures
Continuous Portfolio Management as a Contributor for Achieving Highly-Aligned, Loosely-Coupled Teams
There is a business need for fast software delivery in order to frequently test business hypotheses and drive development based on the resulting feedback. Organizations need to rapidly decide on what to build next, using a short feedback loop that greatly reduces the risk of running on untested assumptions for too long. This article explores a journey towards continuous portfolio management.
Going Digital in the Middle of a Pandemic
IBM achieved an enterprise-wide digital transformation program despite the challenges posed by 100% remote work and the pandemic. The article explores various transformation levers such as team set-up, process, architecture, engineering practices & tooling, metrics & governance, and culture, and shows how they were applied to achieve sustainable outcomes.
Agile Coaches, Agile Guides and Other Family Members
Companies look at agile coaches as agile experts to guide teams through agile working. But that is at odds with the deeper philosophy of true coaching. Perhaps they should be engaging agile guides instead. Calling out Agile Guide as a distinct role when moving into uncharted territory can be especially effective and allows true coaches to maximise their effectiveness too.
Thriving in the Complexity of Software Development Using Open Sociotechnical Systems Design
The amazing progress made in technology has led to blindly following the technical imperative at the cost of the social and human dimension. Social sciences can help us create a work environment where people feel more at home and proud of what they produce. An organisation designed using open sociotechnical systems theory will be a more humane one where people are more engaged.
Promoting Creativity in Software Development with the Kaizen Method
As employers struggle to hire and retain qualified talent in high-tech, SenecaGlobal is using the Kaizen method of continuous improvements by implementing small, positive changes to its culture encouraging innovation and recognition among employees. When applied to software development, Kaizen aims to produce zero-defect code and/or work(flow) processes that exceed client satisfaction metrics.
Better Scrum through Essence
Scrum is easy to explain and hard to do well. The majority of Scrum Teams struggle to do Scrum well. The OMG Essence standard promises to make practices more accessible and to free them from the tyranny of formal methods and frameworks. This article explains how Essence Scrum practices produced by Ian Spence and Dr Jeff Sutherland can help your teams get better at Scrum regardless of the context.
How Medical Companies are Innovating through Agile Practices
The adoption of Agile methods has been steadily growing in medical product companies over the past ten years. Practices vary from cloud-based continuous flow for data-intensive services to sprint-based for physical devices with embedded software. The question is no longer whether, but how Agile can work in medical product development - for our mix of technical, market, and regulatory constraints.
Improving Speed and Stability of Software Delivery Simultaneously at Siemens Healthineers
In this article, we focus on the software delivery process at Siemens Healthineers Digital Health. The process is subject to strict regulations valid in the medical industry. We show our journey of transforming the process towards speed and stability. Both measures improved at the same time during the transformation, confirming research from the “Accelerate” book.
Break the Cycle of Yesterday's Logic in Organizational Change and Agile Adoption
Change in most organizations today seems to be locked in the paradigm of yesterday’s logic – repeating the same top-down, command driven approaches that consistently fail to achieve the expected benefits. The environment today requires new approaches drawing on concepts from modern management approaches. This article introduces a number of ideas and approaches to break out of the old paradigm.
Preventing Transformational Burnout through Collaboration, Transparency, Feedback, and Coaching
Burnout is not only an individual issue; it happens in teams and organizations. This article explores probable sources of mental breakdowns, lack of motivation and confidence, along with types of burnout, and describes the role agile coaches and organizational leaders can therefore play in addressing burnout.
Building Your Own Agile Team Maturity Assessment
An agile maturity assessment can help teams come to a common understanding of what agile maturity looks like and what steps they can take to get there. In this article, we are going to dive into the value of assessing things, with concrete examples you can use, and will help you learn how to build an assessment for your teams and/or organization that is fit-for-purpose.