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InfoQ Homepage Adopting Agile Content on InfoQ

  • James Shore on “The Art of Agile Development”

    In this interview taken during the Agile 2007 conference, James Shore, a prominent figure of the Agile community, talks about the book "The Art of Agile Development" he and Shane Warden wrote. The book was not yet published at the time when the interview was made, and James offers a valuable introduction to the book touching various aspects of Agile development.

    James Shore on “The Art of Agile Development”
  • Kent Beck on Implementation Patterns

    Kent Beck is interviewed at OOPSLA 2007 about his new book, "Implementation patterns", the relationship between these patterns and XP, problems when adopting agile and the current status of design patterns.

    Kent Beck on Implementation Patterns
  • Panel: The Value of Agile Leadership to the Enterprise

    InfoQ presents a one hour video from the APLN Leadership Summit at Agile2006, where a panel of business leaders spoke about their experiences: Bud Phillips (Capital One Financial), Israel Ganot (BMC Software), Steven Ambrose (DTE Energy), Peter George (Cronos Inc.). Topics included top-down vs. bottom-up adoption, making the leap of faith to enterprise adoption and the value of the PMO.

    Panel: The Value of Agile Leadership to the Enterprise
  • Jeff Sutherland on Scrum and Not-Scrum

    Scrum creator Jeff Sutherland guesses there are 120,000 Scrum teams holding standup meetings on any given working day. But how many are really doing Scrum? At QCon London 2007 he talked about "the Nokia test" which he likes to use to distinguish whether teams are doing Agile or only iterative process - or neither! He also revealed the connection between Scrum and the Mars robots.

    Jeff Sutherland on Scrum and Not-Scrum