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Bjarte Bogsnes on Beyond Budgeting
Bjarte Bogsnes talks about Beyond Budgeting and the challenges and approaches to implementing it in organizations as well as its history and acceptance in the Agile community.
Ed Cortis on Activity Based Working
Ed Cortis talks about Agile (or whether it is just common sense) in Operations teams as well as sharing his experiences in rolling out an Activity Based Working environment at Bankwest.
Rachel Laycock on Continuous Delivery
Rachel Laycock explains her experience with bringing Continuous Delivery to companies, the main technical and social obstacles, and much more.
Neil Killick on No Estimates
Neil Killick discusses his background in Agile and his thoughts on estimation in Agile software projects, in particular the discussion around #noestimates.
Mike Amundsen on API Design, Governance, and Lifecycle Management
Mike Amundsen talks about API management, versioning, and discovery. He compares RESTFul and CRUD-style APIs, discusses the notion of 'affordance,' and introduces hypermedia APIs. He examines documentation modelling frameworks for APIs - like Swagger - and also provides his thoughts on API governance, OAuth 2.0, and web single sign-on.
Amr Elssamadisy – Safety
Amr Elssamadisy, founder of Agile Culture New York and author of the book Agile Adoption Patterns, shares his thoughts on why safety is essential to Agile success. We know that learning is essential for successful agility, and teams learn best through failure – but failure is inherently unsafe. The key to success is in making things safe. Without safety you cannot learn effectively from failure.
Fun and Games with Enterprise Software: Tom Banks on What's New in WebSphere Liberty Profile, IBM Code Rally
Tom Banks talks about what's new in the IBM WebSphere Application Server v 8.5.5 Liberty Profile and explores how its extensible architecture allows interesting additions to "gamify" the running of enterprise software. He describes what you can do when enterprise software becomes mobile and introduces IBM Code Rally, a game which is built on top of the Liberty Profile and other IBM software.
Dan Mezick – Engagement
Dan Mezick, author of the book The Culture Game, shares his insights on engagement as the fuel of successful and lasting Agile adoptions. Pulling examples from Open Spaces and the computer gaming industry, Dan explains how they both implement four basic rules: have a clear goal, a clear set of rules, a good feedback system, and support an opt-in participation strategy.
Stephen Nelson-Smith on cloud computing being a tradable commodity
Stephen Nelson-Smith, CTO of Strategic Blue, explains why cloud computing has become a commodity and the financial and technical advantages as well as risks of trading cloud providers.
Chris Matts on BDD, Feature Injection and Commitment
Chris Matts was interviewed at QCon London. He discusses behavior driven development, feature injection and his latest project - a graphic novel written with Olav Maassen and Chris Geary explaining the principles of real options in a project using a compelling story and an unusual format.
Alex Papadimoulis on Delivering Web Scale Systems
Alex Papadimoulis shares his thoughts on distribution vs delivery, decoupling infrastructure (pull) from application (push) deployments and keeping delivery systems simple, especially for web scale applications. In particular Alex describes three different types of roll-outs: Live, Rolling and Parallel and their applicability (cloud-based delivery vs in-house servers).
Deb Colden and Tami Carter Discuss Innovation Games and Dealing with Remote Participants
Deb Colden and Tami Carter discuss how they got involved with Innovation Games, how and why they've used them, and how they've dealt with remote participants in their game sessions.