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Joshua Kerievsky about Industrial XP
In this interview taken by Sadek Drobi of InfoQ, Joshua Kerievsky, founder of Industrial Logic, talks about Industrial Extreme Programming which extends XP by including practices dealing with management, customers and developers.
Linda Rising on "Fearless Change" Patterns
In this interview made by Floyd Marinescu, co-founder of InfoQ, Linda Rising talks about the book "Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas" and offers examples of how the patterns presented in the book can ease the stress of Agile adoption.
Jean Tabaka About Team Collaboration and RAPID Management
In this interview made by Deborah Hartmann of InfoQ, Jean Tabaka talks about team collaboration as a key ingredient of the Agile development, but she also mentions RAPID management as a solution for the product owners who found themselves in an Agile environment.
Hakan Erdogmus on TDD Misunderstandings and Adoption Issues
In this interview made during Agile 2007, Dr. Hakan Erdogmus, Editor in Chief of IEEE Software, discusses about TDD starting from a study done by Ron Jeffries and Grigori Melnik and published as "TDD--The Art of Fearless Programming" in the IEEE Software magazine. Hakan talks about current misunderstandings regarding TDD's role in software development and the adoption issues it faces.
Rachel Davies on Generic Agile
In this interview taken by Deborah Hartmann during Agile 2007, Rachel Davies, director of Agile Alliance, talks about Generic Agile, about the necessity to understand what is important in a development process, rather than sticking with a strict Agile method.
James Shore on “The Art of Agile Development”
In this interview taken during the Agile 2007 conference, James Shore, a prominent figure of the Agile community, talks about the book "The Art of Agile Development" he and Shane Warden wrote. The book was not yet published at the time when the interview was made, and James offers a valuable introduction to the book touching various aspects of Agile development.
Segundo Velasquez and Agile as Seen Through the Customer's Eyes
Segundo Velasquez came to the Agile 2007 conference to meet with an Agile team which promised him help to design and develop a web application meant to build a stronger relationship between Mano a Mano, a charitable organization, and its donors. Segundo shares his amazement on how quickly the whole process evolved.
Jim Weirich Discusses Rake, the Ruby Make Tool
Jim Weirich, is the Chief Scientist for EdgeCase LLC and thecreator of rake, the popular make-like build tool written in Ruby. In this interview with InfoQ, Jim disccusses the birth of rake, Domain Specific Languages, and flexmock, his mocking library.
Joseph Pelrine's Blend of Science, Process &Teamwork
Joseph Pelrine was present when XP took its first steps, was Europe's first Certified Scrum Trainer, and today is still breaking new ground. In this 2007 InfoQ interview, Joseph talked about Network Analysis and how Social Complexity Science informs his work with teams; the usefulness of the Dilbert archetype; & a speed-dating technique to help teams get started (creating software, of course).
Johanna Rothman: Agile Risk Reduction for Traditional Teams
Management consultant Johanna Rothman helps her clients manage risk: be it risk in a project's people, risk in how the people are managed, or the risk in the projects themselves. In this interview she talked about strategies for risk reduction, useful for teams in all stages of agility, contained in her new book "Manage It! Your Guide to Modern Pragmatic Project Management."
Patrick Curran discusses the Java Community Process
In this interview, new JCP chairman Patrick Curran discusses his goals for the JCP, what role standards play, the interactions between innovation and standardization, the impact of OpenJDK, the Java SE TCK and Apache Harmony, the shift in app servers from Java EE to SOA, future Java technology standardization, interesting and successful JSRs, and the future of the JCP.
Silverlight at Major League
Learn about the re-launch of Major League Baseball’s website on Silverlight. With the website’s back-end written in Java and much of the user interface built with JSP, is not your typical candidate for adopting Microsoft’s newest technology for building Rich Internet Apps. Henry Belmont and Thaniya Keereepart share the reasoning behind choice and implementation details.