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InfoQ Homepage Agile Content on InfoQ

  • The InfoQ eMag: QCon 2018 Retrospective

    We take a look back at best QCon highlights in 2018, including QCon London, QCon.AI, QCon New York and QCon San Francisco.

  • #noprojects - A Culture of Continuous Value

    In this thoughtful exploration on the future of work, the authors explore the past, present and future of the “project”. And why, in today’s fast changing & hyper-competitive world, running a temporary endeavour is the wrong approach to building sustainable products and how #noprojects is fundamentally changing the way companies work.

  • High-Performance Teams: The Foundations

    Expanding on The Core Protocols, this book is a roadmap for anyone who wants to lead or participate fully in the greatest team experience of their lives. It is short and practical, focused on implementation and tactics for making changes to bring about effective results fast.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Gender, Race, Age and Neurodiversity for Software Developers

    This eMag draws together ideas that have been published on InfoQ over a number of years, presenting a wide range of aspects of diversity and ways that individuals, teams and organisations can create environments where diversity thrives, people are respected and outcomes are more successful.

  • Distributed Agile

    Distributed teams are the norm for many organizations today. Companies are global, communications technologies allow people to live away from the "office" location, and many new workers are nomads. Even though most people will acknowledge the wisdom that collocated work is easier, reality is often different. With the advent of new technology, this movement will only grow.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Faster, Smarter DevOps

    This DevOps eMag has a broader setting than previous editions. You might, rightfully, ask “what does faster, smarter DevOps mean?”. Put simply, any and all approaches to DevOps adoption that uncover important mechanisms or thought processes that might otherwise get submerged by the more straightforward (but equally important) automation and tooling aspects.

  • InfoQ eMag: #noprojects

    #NoProjects – a number of authors have challenged the idea of the project as a delivery mechanism for information technology product development. The two measures of success and goals of project management and product development don’t align and the project mindset is even considered to be an inhibitor against product excellence. This emag presents some alternative approaches.

  • InfoQ eMag: QCon London 2016 Report

    This year was the tenth anniversary for QCon London, and it was also our largest London event to date. Including our 140 speakers we had 1,400 team leads, architects, and project managers attending 112 technical sessions across 18 concurrent tracks and 12 in-depth workshops. This eMag brings together InfoQ’s reporting of the event, along with views and opinions shared by attendees.

  • InfoQ eMag: Frugal Innovation

    In little over a decade, Africa has gone from being a region where it’s still hard to find power lines, fixed-line telecom infrastructure, and personal computers to being the second-most mobile-connected continent where about 15% of the billion inhabitants own a cell phone.

  • InfoQ eMag: Designing Your Culture

    This eMag brings together a number of articles that explore ways to consciously design your culture, how to nurture and grow attitudes of craftsmanship and professionalism in teams, how to create places which are great to work in that get great outcomes, and how to make a profit.

  • Why Agile Works

    Why do some companies excel with agile and others see virtually no improvement? The difference is culture and an understanding that agile is a framework for deep cultural change instead of a process or set of practices to increase efficiency. Why Agile Works: The Values Behind the Results focuses on why and how agile works and where agile should take organizations in terms of values.

  • InfoQ eMag: Business, Design and Technology

    This eMag offers readers tactical approaches to building software experiences that your users will love. Break down existing silos and create an environment for cross-collaborative teams: placing technology, business and user experience design at the core.