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Research Insights: No Silver Bullets for DevOps Culture
InfoQ ran a DevOps research question during Q4 of 2015, to find out which practices contribute the most to a healthy DevOps culture. The results show there are no predominant practices as DevOps initiatives are highly contextual.
Microservices and Teams at Amazon
The microservices pattern are changing how we build applications and team structure is extremely important to be successful in building and running these microservices, Chris Munns stated in a talk about how microservices at enterprise scale are built at Amazon at the earlier I Love APIs 2015 conference.
Clair Helps Secure Docker Images
Clair is an open-source container vulnerability scanner recently released by CoreOs. The tool cross-checks if a Docker image's operating system and any of its installed packages match any known insecure package versions. The vulnerabilities are fetched from OS-specific common vulnerabilities and exposures databases. Currently supported are Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Debian.
#NoEstimates Applied to Software Contractors
InfoQ spoke to Vasco Duarte on how the #NoEstimates technique may apply to a contracting environment, facing tipical needs of sizing a project, establishment of agreements, signature of contract and building of trust.
Don't Optimize Team-level Performance
Klaus Leopold gave a talk at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference in which he elaborated why focusing on team-level performance often leads to local suboptimalization and doesn't increase agility across the team. InfoQ interviewed him about why installing agile frameworks does not help to increase agility, how kanban can be used to increase collaboration, and benefits that teams can get from kanban.
Combining User Story Mapping with Domain-Driven Design
User Story Mapping can be a simple yet valuable pattern when adopting Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in projects dealing with complex domains. It can help creating shared domain knowledge among developers and domain experts, Eriksen Costa claims in a blog post discussing advantages combining User Story Mapping with Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
End-to-End Testing Considered Harmful: A Q&A with Steve Smith
InfoQ recently sat down with Steve Smith and discussed the ideas behind his recent blog post “End-to-End Testing Considered Harmful”. Smith talked about release testing being a form of ‘risk management theatre’, discussed the benefit of unit and acceptance testing, and stressed the value of monitoring at runtime versus the typically fragile and slow-running implementation of end-to-end testing.
Developing a Solar Car with Scrum
At the Lean Kanban Benelux 2015 conference Jeroen Molenaar shared his experiences working as an agile coach with the Dutch solar car team that has won the world solar challenge in Australia.
Microservices at Spotify
Kevin Goldsmith talked about how Spotify uses microservices to break down architectures and be innovative at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference. He argues that Microservices are easier to test, deploy and monitor than monolithic applications. Spotify also aims to have as few as possible dependencies in their product, and microservices are very helpful for that.
Developing and Testing Microservices
At the Agile Testing Days 2015 Jose Lima from Redgate software shared his experiences with microservices. InfoQ interviewed him about advantages and disadvantages of developing products with microservices, how applying microservices has improved the quality of products, testing microservices and the skills that testers need, and his learnings from developing and testing microservices.
ThoughtWorks adds Dependency Management to Mingle to Support Scaling
ThoughtWorks have enhanced their application lifecycle management product Mingle with a new dependency management capability which supports scaling development across multiple teams and tracking dependencies in the tool.
Scaling Without Blueprints and the Agile Scaling Cycle
InfoQ interviewed Stefan Roock about adding XP practices to Scrum, why using an agile framework as a blueprint for designing the organization is a premature optimization and why culture and principles are more important than practices. Roock also explains the agile scaling cycle with examples of how it can be used, and talks about the benefits and pitfalls of this approach for agile scaling.
Cellular Technologies Enabling the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things is about connecting things. When the remotest of the things lie beyond the reach of WIFI networks, cellular technologies can provide a viable communications infrastructure. To this end, 4G Americas, a telecommunications industry trade organization, has published a new white paper titled "Cellular Technologies Enabling the Internet of Things."
Using Kanban to Innovate
Patrick Steyaert talked about lean innovation with Kanban at the Lean Kanban Benelux 2015 and Lean Kanban Central Europe 2015 conferences. InfoQ interviewed him about the main obstacles to innovation, how to use discovery Kanban to manage innovation, how to develop talent for innovation, and asked him for examples of using Kanban with a business model canvas or lean canvas or other thinking tools.
Eight Dragons of Agile Measurement
Larry Maccherone, Director of Analytics and Research at AgileCraft and frequent speaker at agile conferences like QCon, gave a webinar in which he discusses the major risks and challenges when introducing metrics in an agile environment. Risks are referred as "dragons" and the techniques to get rid of them as "slayers".