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InfoQ Homepage Agile Content on InfoQ

  • How to Facilitate an Agile Retrospective Using "Rory Story Cubes"

    How to use Rory Story Cubes for sprint retrospective.

  • Applying Continuous Integration at Thales Naval Systems

    Continuous Integration can help to find integration issues earlier and to visualize the status of the build to all involved. Integration problems can be detected at build-time in stead of run-time during testing and teams can get immediate feedback on changes that they made and on the impact on components that are developed by other teams.

  • How to Descale an Organization

    There are many frameworks available for scaling Agile. In contrast to the concept of scaling Agile, there is a belief of descaling the organization.

  • Surviving Success

    Teams rarely consider success as a mode of failure, but not preparing for exceeding their goals can be just as dangerous as ignoring basic software and infrastructure needs. Mark Simms and Mark Souza discuss anti-patterns they've seen and some of the best ways to architect to win in spite of your own success.

  • Addressing Organizational Debt

    Steve Blank,talks about the organizational debt which is similar to technical debt. He says that growing companies need to understand how to recognize and refactor the organizational debt.

  • Multi-repository Development at Google

    Oftentimes, complex software projects span across multiple repositories on account of external dependencies. This can be a challenge in itself, explains Google WebRTC engineer Patrik Höglund, who also described Google's approach to developing software that uses dozens of third-party libraries such as Chrome.

  • Extending, Defining and Evolving the Understanding of Agile

    Recently there have been a number of posts which challenge the way agile methods have been applied in industry and present some ideas on improving adoption and outcomes by tackling the underlying problems. Andy Hunt proposes a completely new approach branded The GROWS Method(tm) and Dan Greening suggests clarifying the core concepts which underlie agile approaches and describing them for use.

  • Developing Provably-Correct Software Using Formal Methods

    Computer-checked models can be used to prove that core communications and state management in a software program are 100% logically correct. Such models can also be used to generate 100% correct source code. The usage of formal methods can reduce costs and time to market and help to deliver highly reliable software products.

  • Delivering Value on Time by Using #NoEstimates

    Vasco Duarte suggests that people should experiment with #NoEstimates to learn and find ways in which it can help them to deliver value on time and under budget. He is writing a book on #NoEstimates in which he explains why estimation does not work and how you can use #NoEstimates to manage projects.

  • Embracing HR Practices to Support Agility

    David Dame, enterprise agility change agent and organizational coach, describes scaling engagement agility in the context of HR practices.

  • Adoption of SAFe at TomTom

    InfoQ interviewed Hans Aerts, vice president software development and agile coach at TomTom, about why they decided to adopt SAFe and how it was introduced and used to simplify the organizational structure and stop doing projects, why they focus on throughput rather than output, how they modified SAFe for Custom Systems, and what using SAFe has brought TomTom.

  • Agile, DevOps and Eating Your Own Dogfood

    An interview with Yaniv Yehuda, Co-Founder and CTO of DBmaestro, about how they are doing agile development and using DevOps, how they implemented continuous delivery, on agile practices that turned out to be difficult to implement, and the benefits that they are getting for using agile and DevOps practices.

  • Node.js and io.js Merge Under the Node Foundation

    The io.js TC has voted to join the upcoming Node Foundation. The project will be named Node.js but it will be based on io.js’ repository.

  • Q&A with Gil Zilberfeld on Agile Product Planning and Management

    InfoQ did an interview with Gil Zilberfeld about better ways to do product planning and tracking, his thoughts about #noestimates, including value in product planning discussions, and how to improve decision making in product development.

  • Scaling Dilemmas and How to Deal with Them

    Making teams working together can be challenging, but it is often needed to develop and deliver large complex products. In her opening keynote about scaling dilemma's at the Agile Adria 2015 conference Mary Poppendieck presented ideas for organizations that want to scale agile.