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Playing the Product Owner Value Game
The product owner value game is a card game for teams. The objective of the game is to deliver as much value as possible. Teams learn to prioritize backlogs, plan iterations, and deliver results. The game helps teams to talk about agile principles, and exchange experiences.
Taking Back Agile
Tim Ottinger and Ruud Wijnands gave a talk at QCon London 2015 on how to take back the agility of the initial times of XP and why part of it has been lost in the way.
Different Perspectives of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
There is a common understanding among agile organizations that they should aim to build the products that are “good enough”. Scott Sehlhorst, explains the different perspectives of “good enough” in his blog.
Steve Freeman on What's Wrong with Most TDD Implementations and Building on SOLID Foundations
At the Agile Singapore conference last year Steve Freeman spoke about the way TDD has been misinterpreted and frequently misapplied in many adoptions and how the SOLID architectural principles are still important, perhaps more important now than in the past.
Adoption of Agile in Eastern Europe
The gap in agile adoption between Eastern Europe and the US and Western Europe is becoming smaller. Scrum is the most widespread framework, Kanban adoption is growing and SAFe, LeSS, DAD are trending. The way that companies are transitioning to agile is significantly different in Eastern Europe.
Maven Escapes from XML
The recently released Maven 3.3.1 adds support for core extensions to be added to a project through additional metadata as well as using alternatives to the eponymous pom.xml file for building. This has been used to create build scripts for JRuby that build upon Maven but use a JRuby script to represent dependencies and plugins.
- Launches New Learning Programs
InfoQ spoke to Ken Schwaber about the new and updated assessment programs launched by He shares the vision of for 2015.
How Testers Can Make Organizations More Successful
Tester should go beyond their testing discipline and go into the organization. By asking questions they can start a movement that increases product quality and helps organizations to become more successful as Mike Sutton explained in his closing keynote at the Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015 about test beyond quality – beyond software.
MSBuild Joins GitHub, Paving Way for Non-Windows Build Systems
MSBuild, the command-line tool used to build Visual Studio solutions and projects has been released to GitHub under an open source license. This paves the way for non-Windows systems to build .NET-based applications without requiring Visual Studio to be installed.
Bitbucket Launches Snippets for Teams
Atlassian's popular source code hosting site Bitbucket launched Snippets for teams, a collaboration oriented solution to "create and manage multi-file snippets of all kinds". Snippets can be created via drag and drop, owned by a user or a team and optionally shared publicly. They are backed by Git or Mercurial repositories and can be managed via a REST API.
Becoming More Transparent Helps to Manage Work
The Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015 conference devotes a full day track to talented Dutch agile youngsters to share their experiences. Tamara de Paus talked about how to organize your work and be more transparent. An interview about the changes that were done by the team to manage work and create transparency, what worked and what didn't, and the things they learned along the way.
Defining Classes of Service in Kanban Using an Alternative Approach
There are some alternative ways of identifying different classes of service in kanban. This post talks about these methods.
Connected Companies Put Customers at the Center of Everything
Dave Gray talked about how a connected company focuses on customer efficiency instead of company efficiency at the No Pants Festival 2015. A connected company has multidisciplinary teams where people work together to deliver a product or service. People working at a connected company feel empowered, they are able to solve problems together and to better serve the needs of their customers.
Portia Tung on Using Play to Make Good Teams Great
In advance of the Playcamp London event to be held on 24 March, InfoQ had the opportunity to chat with Portia Tung, consultant, storyteller and games maker about how she combines business strategies with play to bring about positive organizational change.
Creativity and Testing: Do They Go Together?
At the Agile Testing Days 2014 in Potsdam Jan Jaap Cannegieter spoke about using different sides of our brain to optimize testing and he will redo this presentation during the Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015. InfoQ interviewed Cannegieter about how agile has changed testing, creativity and thinking in testing, skills of agile testers, and how testers can make steps towards agile testing.