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Becoming a Better Tech Leader with Coaching
Coaching, both personal and professional, can help to understand your potential and discover ways to exercise that potential in your daily work. For Maryam Umar, coaching has proved to be highly useful in her tech work of leading testers and engineers.
Building Quality in for Blockchain Systems
Blockchain technology can be used to build solutions that can naturally deliver better software quality. Using blockchain we can shift to smaller systems that store everything in a contract. We have to understand our data needs and decide what is stored in the chain and what off-chain, and think about how requirements, defects and testing history can be built into the contract models.
GitLab 14.6 Improves Geo Replication and Adds Support for .NET 6 Projects
GitLab 14.6 new Geo configuration streamlines the process of using the geographically closest replica to speed up clone and pull commands. It also introduces an activity list for GitLab's Agent to log real-time events and brings support for .NET 6.
Migrating Neo4j Graph Schemas with Neo4j Migrations
Neo4j Labs has released Neo4j Migrations, a database migration and refactoring tool that offers version control for relational databases. Inspired by FlywayDB, the tool supports migrations based on Cypher statements or Java. Triggering the migrations is possible via the CLI, Maven plugin, or a Spring Boot starter.
Shifting to Asynchronous Communication in Software Teams
As some companies begin to go back to the office and embrace hybrid working, they are at risk of alienating those who wish to remain remote, which is looking to be a considerable number of workers in our industry. James Stanier suggests using more asynchronous means of communication and spending more time writing to each other rather than speaking in meetings.
The Challenges of Reading Code and How to Deal with Them
Reading code can be confusing in many ways; we are not explicitly taught how to read code, and we rarely practice code reading. Being aware of the cognitive processes that play a role can help to become better at reading code.
GitHub Release Improved Developer Flow at Universe Event
At their annual industry event, GitHub released new functionality with a focus on flow, better developer experience, and security. GitHub Universe is an annual conference -- which ran virtually this year -- bringing a raft of announcements relating to new functionality in GitHub - Microsoft’s developer source code repo and software integration tool.
GitHub Improves Code Navigation and Search
GitHub announced improvements to its code search and code navigation capabilities. The new code search, which is still available experimentally, features now the possibility of finding code symbols and using regular expressions. Code navigation has been made available from within pull requests and extended to provide more precise information for Python repos.
AWS Announces Construct Hub and New Version of AWS Cloud Development Kit at re:Invent 2021
Recently, AWS announced the general availability (GA) of version 2.0 of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and AWS Construct Hub during its annual re:Invent conference.
XCRemoteCache Aims to Speed up iOS App Build Times
Spotify created XCRemoteCache to reduce Xcode compile times. Recently open-sourced, XCRemoteCache can decrease clean build times by 70%, says Spotify.
Leading a DevOps Transformation - a Collaborative Engineering Approach
When leading a DevOps transformation, transparency and visibility can help to get teams engaged in chance. Once involved, developers can act as knowledge multipliers and contribute to change initiatives. A mixture of solving frequently-occurring problems, addressing complex problems, and showing progress of the transformation can help to keep stakeholders involved.
ClusterFuzzLite Brings ClusterFuzz to GitHub Actions and Other CI/CD Pipelines
ClusterFuzzLite, as implied by its name, is a light version of Google ClusterFuzz, a tool aimed to find security and stability issues in software systems through fuzz testing. ClusterFuzzLite is meant to be integrated in a CI pipeline with a few lines of code, says Google.
How to Work Asynchronously as a Remote-First SRE
The core practices for remote work at Netlify are prioritising asynchronous communication, being intentional about our remote community building, and encouraging colleagues to protect their work-life balance. Sustainable remote work starts with sustainable working hours, which includes making yourself “almost” unreachable with clear boundaries and protocols for out of hours contact.
Will the Hybrid Work’s Great Paradox Be the Decade’s Challenge?
The pandemic moved the office home, and while the medical system is trying to eradicate it allowing us to resume our lives as we know them, we also need to understand what the new normal will be. While some leaders will return to the office as soon as it is allowed, others adopt a fully remote approach as the main-approach. Probably a hybrid approach would be the new normal for most of us.
Building Large-Scale iOS Apps at Airbnb
The Airbnb iOS team addressed the challenge of its growing mobile app codebase and complexity by adopting new tools and processes, including a modern build systems, module types, and dev apps.