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Bazel Will Be the New Build System for the Android Open Source Project
Google has announced that the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), which provides the foundations for all Android-labelled OSes available in the market and more derivative OSes, will transition to use Bazel as its new build tool.
Organisational-Level Agile Anti-Patterns - Why They Exist and What to Do about Them
Agile anti-patterns can affect organisations, morale, and quality if left untreated. The critical first step is acknowledging the existence of the pain point. Effective root cause analysis helps to understand what causes the anti-patterns to arise in organisations, where actions can be taken to address those causes.
QCon Plus: Summary of the Inclusion & Diversity in Tech Track
QCon Plus is running over three weeks in November. One of the tracks on the first day focused on Inclusion and Diversity in Tech. The track was designed to to change perceptions about DEI and advance the conversation. Three talks provided the audience with concrete tools, difficult questions and invited them to deep self exploration.
Applying Lean and Accelerate to Deliver Value: QCon Plus Q&A
Understanding the science and math behind lean principles and practices can enable engineering leaders to advocate for and implement them in their workplace. This way they can directly impact employee engagement and morale, as well as the bottom line, as David Van Couvering explained in his talk about applying lean principles and practices for delivering value at QCon Plus 2020.
Creating and Nurturing an Intentional Remote Culture
Company culture isn’t built in the short term, nor can it be imposed. It’s deeply rooted in the founders’ ideologies and behaviours around work. From there, it grows and evolves organically as the company hires individuals who embrace these values, and who also bring their own identity into the mix.
Value vs Time: an Agile Contract Model
An agile contract model can help us to focus on the value delivered to the customer. It allows for rewarding teams and people, and can drive continuous improvement towards common goals. InfoQ interviewed Andrea Zomer, CEO at Zupit, about their experiences with an agile contract model.
How Stopping Estimations Helped a Team to Become More Predictable
When making estimations using story points didn’t feel helpful, a team decided to experiment with #NoEstimates. Breaking down stories into smaller tasks gives them insight into their velocity and has made them more predictable. It also helps them to spend less time on process and have more time available for delivering value.
HashiCorp’s Waypoint Targets Consistent Build and Deploy Workflows across Platforms
HashiCorp announced Waypoint - an open source project that aims to provide a consistent build and deploy workflow across different platforms including Kubernetes, AWS ECS, Nomad, Google Cloud Run, Docker, Buildpacks, and Azure Container Instances.
REPLicant, a Super Simple Svelte REPL - Peter Allen at Svelte Summit 2020
Peter Allen recently gave a talk at Svelte Summit 2020 in which he explained the benefits of REPL (Read-Print-Eval-Loop) playgrounds. While the Svelte REPL is complex due to the handling of many edge cases, the principles underlying code playground implementations are simple. Allen progressively led the viewer into the implementation of the simplest possible version of the Svelte REPL.
Articulating Leadership through Nemawashi and Collaborative Boards
High performance teams don’t need to be managed, but led. Collaborative boards is where leadership and teams meet to align direction and initiatives. Nemawashi can be used to separate conversations from meetings. Fernando Guigou spoke about articulating leadership using an approach that he calls ZenSum at Agile Tour London 2020.
Applying a Zero-Bug Policy at Redgate
A zero-bug policy is a simple yet effective bug management system that can help you avoid being buried deep in months or sometimes even years-old bugs. Any bugs you agree are serious enough for you to fix, you fix right away, and any other bug will not be fixed and closed. Tom Walsh spoke about how Redgate Software applied the zero-bug policy at Lean Agile Exchange 2020.
Remote Working for Tech Workers is Here to Stay
Remote working is here to stay for tech workers, irrespective of what happens with COVID-19. Many tech companies are changing their long term planning and hiring practices to allow for remote working in the future, and benefits packages are being reworked to provide support for parents with child care and home schooling pressures.
Experiences from Using a Disciplined Approach to Change
When a company embraces the agile path, the first question is: “Where do I want to go?” and not “What is the right framework to do agile?” A disciplined approach to change can help you to choose from possible practices such as a “design pattern book” for agile transformation, and to identify when a practice is promising and when the current context is not the most favorable for it.
Chaos Conf Q&A: Adrian Cockcroft & Yury Niño Roa
In preparation for ChaosConf 2020, InfoQ sat down with Adrian Cockcroft and Yury Niño Roa to explore topics of interest in the chaos engineering community. Key takeaways included: there are clear benefits to running “game days” to develop psychological safety, and the future of chaos engineering points toward incorporating security and scaling up experiments to test larger failure modes.
GitHub Code Scanning Is out of Beta
One year ago GitHub announced the acquisition of Semmle, maker of a semantic code analysis engine powered by the Semmle QL query language. After a few months in beta, GitHub is now announcing the availability of its new CodeQL-based code scanning capability for all public and private repos.