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InfoQ Homepage Agile Content on InfoQ

  • Using Measurement to Optimise Remote Work

    Dave Longman of HeadForwards wrote about using data to demonstrate the effectiveness of remote work during lockdown. Michael Schrage of MIT’s School of Management also wrote about the importance of using data-driven insights to improve performance in the current climate. Laura Giurge of London Business School talked about how isolation is teaching individuals and firms to be remotely effective.

  • The Role of Business Analysts in Agile

    Business analysts have a role in agile organizations; they can become a product owner, join a team, or work across products where they collaborate with product owners and teams. The BA role brings incredible value in any framework; it is about making sure that you are confident in your own skills.

  • How the Gojek devX Team Handled Challenges with Mobile App CI

    The developer experience (devX) team at Gojek recently described how they tackled challenges around scaling the development and integration of Android and iOS mobile apps. They emphasized the importance of segregating pipelines for providing faster feedback.

  • GitHub's OpenAPI Spec Open-Sourced in Beta

    GitHub has open sourced an OpenAPI description of its API. Aimed to allow developers to discover the API capabilities first-hand, GitHub's OpenAPI also enables the programmatic creation of mock servers, test suites, and language bindings.

  • Camille Fournier on Effectively Managing Internal Platform Teams

    Camille Fournier, managing director, head of platform engineering for Two Sigma, recently shared her learnings from managing internal platform engineering teams. Two of the key challenges she shares are the smaller size of the customer base and the challenge in understanding how your customers will use your product.

  • Building a Banking Infrastructure with Microservices: QCon London Q&A

    In a few years, the number of microservices has grown from 100 to 1600 at Monzo, and it continues to grow. Microservices are split when responsibilities grow, or merged when services are tightly coupled. Engineers can generate, deploy, scale and monitor their own services using code generation.

  • Q&A with Jeff Keyes of Plutora on the Transformative Impact of Value Stream Management

    Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) recently published their DevOps 2021 research that forecasts nearly 50% growth in VSM vendor penetration during 2020, and suggests VSM vendors are delivering against expectations. InfoQ spoke to Plutora, a leading VSM platform provider to understand what VSM adoption involves, how it can have a transformative impact and how it can fail.

  • Using a Team Game for Richer Retrospectives

    Games can bring freshness to retrospectives and enable rich discussions about how things are going. Patterns emerging from the discussions provide insight into the team’s strengths and weaknesses. Considerate coaching or facilitation can allow everyone to contribute.

  • Remote Collaboration Fatigue is Real, Remote Workers are More Empathic, Remote Work is Here to Stay

    As the shift from in-person to remote working persists, organisations have been doing research into the impact this is having on individuals and teams. Studies by Gartner and Microsoft indicate that remote collaboration fatigue is real, remote workers are more empathic and inclusive, and remote work is here to stay.

  • How Amazon Teams Do Continuous Delivery

    An AWS engineer recently wrote about how Amazon deployment pipelines look and what practices they follow to deploy continuously to production. A pipeline validates changes in multiple environments running unit and integration tests, and use stages to stagger deployments to production. Teams don't actively examine deployments as the pipeline monitors key metrics and can rollback if needed.

  • Cloud Development Kit Can Now Generate Terraform Configurations Using TypeScript and Python

    AWS, HashiCorp, and Terrastack collaborated to release a preview of the CDK for Terraform, or cdktf. Developers can use programming languages like Python or Typescript to manage infrastructure as code. cdktf generates a Terraform configuration in JSON. Also, cdktf supports any existing modules and providers from the Terraform registry to deploy resources to AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

  • Making Workplaces More Humanistic

    Organizations are increasingly focusing on the humanization of workplaces and supporting professionals to perform better. Ways to make workplaces more humanistic are going off-script, experimenting with working hours, being vulnerable as leaders, and appreciating diversity.

  • OverOps Releases Second Annual DevOps Survey

    In their recent survey, OverOps, a continuous reliability platform vendor, found that within DevOps investment initiatives, organizations invest the most towards enabling the constant flow of software development. The survey also revealed that automated code analysis is being adopted more as engineering teams embrace cutting-edge technologies and practices.

  • Puppet Relay Provides Event-Driven Automation for Common Workflows

    Puppet has announced the beta release of Relay, their event driven automation platform. Relay allows for automating processes as code. There are a number of pre-written workflows and there is support for creating additional workflows. Relay has a number of integrations available for use in workflows including AWS, Kubernetes, Azure, PagerDuty, and GitHub.

  • Establishing Change Agents within Organisations Using Shu-Ha-Ri

    Shu-Ha-Ri provides us with a learning path toward being agile by mastering the basics and understanding the fundamentals to gain incremental success. By having their own change agents, organisations can adapt quickly to changing market needs and get a competitive edge.