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  • Facilitating Threat Modelling Remotely

    ThoughtWorks' Jim Gumbley recently published a guide to Threat Modelling on with a template for facilitating remote and onsite sessions. He makes a case for continuous threat modelling within each iteration, alongside business stake-holders. Derek Handova has also written about removing friction from security through automation and a greater security focus in the SDLC.

  • Predicting the Future with Forecasting and Agile Metrics

    Common estimation approaches often fail to give us the predictability we want. Forecasting provides a range of possible outcomes with the chance of outcomes becoming reality. It can answer questions like “When will it be done?” or “What can we deliver by xx?” with confidence.

  • Windows Terminal 1.0 Released with Support for Profiles, Multiple Panes, and Unicode Characters

    Microsoft has moved Windows Terminal out of preview and announced the release of version 1.0. Windows Terminal includes multiple tabs, panes, customizable shortcuts, support for Unicode and UTF-8 characters, and custom themes and styles. The terminal can support PowerShell, cmd, WSL, and other command-line tools.

  • Conflicting Reports on Remote Worker Productivity and Contentment

    Remote working is becoming normal for the tech industry, with most tech employees working remotely due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. Studies and surveys are trying to measure the impact on productivity that organisations are seeing as a result of the shift. The results are conflicting and illustrate the complexity of the times we find ourselves in.

  • Volkswagen’s Journey towards a Software-Driven Company

    Volkswagen is changing their working methods for software development, where they focus on regaining their own development skills and developing new products based on new technologies and methods. The technologies used are decided on by the teams independently.

  • Pulumi Releases Version 2.0 with New Policy as Code Tool

    Pulumi announced the release of version 2.0 of their open source infrastructure as code platform. This release includes a new policy as code system called CrossGuard. Also included are improvements for moving pre-existing systems into Pulumi.

  • Microsoft Build 2020: Highlights

    Last week Microsoft held the 10th edition of Build, its annual conference aimed at developers using Microsoft technologies. The online event included multiple important announcements and releases, such as the general availability of Blazor WebAssembly, updates on the upcoming .NET 5, Azure Static Web Apps, and new projects related to IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

  • Tech Giants Shift to More Remote Working for the Long Term

    As the impacts of COVID-19 continue to be felt around the globe, and many tech industry employees get used to working from home, large tech companies are making long-term decisions about allowing and encouraging their people to work remotely. Facebook, Twitter, Shopify and others are making plans to have most or all of their workforce permanently remote.

  • How Agile Can Work Together with Deadlines

    Even with a hard deadline, you can still prioritise work in sprints, use daily stand ups to manage blockers, and run retrospectives to improve your ways of working. Stakeholder relationships are key when attempting to negotiate and soften arbitrary deadlines. Start conversations up front to set better expectations and ensure a smoother delivery, particularly when facing uncertainty.

  • GitLab Annual DevOps Survey Shows Emerging Trends and Changing Roles

    Completed by over 3500 developers from 21 countries, GitLab's DevOps survey encompasses three major areas, development and release, security, and testing. The survey hints at faster release cycles and improved quality, with the more recent DevSecOps area requiring more organizational fine-tuning. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with GitLab's senior developer evangelist, Brendan O'Leary.

  • How to Supercharge a Team with Delegation: QCon London Q&A

    Delegating work can result in getting it done better and faster; it increases team autonomy and creates opportunities for learning. Delegation is a continuum: it begins by doing a task yourself and ends by having somebody else take on that task. James Stanier, VP of engineering at Brandwatch, spoke about delegating to self-organizing teams at QCon London 2020.

  • Predicting Failing Tests with Machine Learning

    Machine learning can be used to predict how tests behave on changes in the code. These predictions reduce the feedback time to developers by providing information at check-in time. Marco Achtziger & Dr. Gregor Endler presented how they are using machine learning to learn from failures at OOP 2020.

  • GitHub Introduces Codespaces, Discussions, and Extends Security Features

    At GitHub Satellite 2020, GitHub announced two new collaboration features: Codespaces, which provide a complete, ready-to-use dev environment within GitHub, and Discussions, aimed to enable the creation of knowledge bases in a threaded Q&A format. Additionally, vulnerability scanning is now integrated within GitHub's main interface, and secret scanning is extended to private repositories, too.

  • Shifting-Left Testing with Mabl DevTestOps Platform

    Corresponding to the ideas of "test early, test often" and "test as early as possible" in the development lifecycle, shift-left testing is a well-known approach. Recently, the combination of shift-left testing and CI/CD is fueling a new approach to DevOps dubbed DevTestOps. InfoQ has spoken with Dan Belcher, co-founder at DevTestOps platform maker mabl.

  • CircleCI Releases API Version 2 with Improved Insights Endpoints

    CircleCI has improved the stability of their insights endpoints in the version 2 release of their API. The insights endpoints allow for tracking the status of jobs and workflows, monitoring the duration of jobs, and investigating opportunities for optimizing resource consumption.