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  • Investigating Near Misses to Prevent Disasters: QCon London Q&A

    Investigating near misses by gathering data from the field and exploring anything that looks wrong or is a bit odd can help to prevent disasters, said Ed Holland, software development manager at Metaswitch Networks. At QCon London 2019 he gave a talk about avoiding being in the news by investigating near misses.

  • How ThoughtWorks Applied User Centered Design to Drive Digital Transformations

    At Agile India 2019, ThoughtWorks presented how design thinking enabled various industries to disrupt their technology and their business model. Product and technology teams need to interact differently and develop new customer centric skills. Based on how user centricity is changing business models and organizations, ThoughtWorks proposed a new version of the Agile Manifesto.

  • Experiences from Working with Distributed Agile Teams

    Not being able to frequently connect with your colleagues face-to-face makes successful communication more difficult in distributed teams, said Shabi Shafei, Scrum Master at ABN AMRO Bank. A Q&A about how distributed teams can transform into great agile teams.

  • 13th State of Agile Report Released

    On 7 May, 2019, CollabNet VersionOne released the 13th State of Agile report. Highlights of this year’s report include the level of agile adoption, which has reached 97% of organisations saying that they practice agile development methods. Proficiency in the agile practices is still low, with only 17% of organisations claiming a high level of proficiency with the practices.

  • Experiences from Getting Started as a Lead

    Having a transition period to lead teams together with a mentor helped Dan Persa to have a smooth switch from senior software engineer to engineering lead. At Codemotion Amsterdam 2019 he shared some of his experiences and learnings, in order to inspire other developers to take the leadership path.

  • Eoin Woods on Democratising Software Architecture at ICSA 2019

    Last month in ICSA 2019 in Hamburg, Germany, Eoin Woods, CTO at Endava, gave a speech about how we can democratise software architecture. Starting from a historical perspective, Woods described how software systems have evolved in the past three decades. In the 80’s we were all using monolithic architectures, which evolved into distributed monoliths in the next decade...

  • How the Agile Business Consortium Leveraged Agility to Hire Their New Chief Executive

    At the Business Agility Conference, held in March 2019, Geof Ellingham, chair of the Agile Business Consortium, presented why and how they hired their new chief executive, John Mark Williams, leveraging Agile principles and practices. Ellingham reviewed why old ways of hiring are inefficient for the way companies need to operate and described hiring techniques aligned with Agile.

  • Lynne Cazaly on Making Sense Using Hand-Drawn Images

    At the recent Agile on the Beach New Zealand conference, author and graphic facilitator Lynne Cazalay presented a masterclass on sensemaking; some techniques to clarify ideas through graphical images - simple diagrams which can help identify the important elements of any narrative and represent them in a style that makes content meaningful.

  • GitLab 11.9 Released with Automated Secrets Detection

    GitLab 11.9 has been released with automated secrets detection and additional merge request approval rulesets. GitLab is a software development lifecycle support tool, providing project planning, source code management, and CI/CD capabilities.

  • Reflecting on Top-Down or Bottom-Up System Design: Vaughn Vernon at MicroXchg Berlin

    Should software design be driven by a top-down or bottom-up approach? Vaughn Vernon asked the question in his presentation at MicroXchg Berlin, where he discussed different approaches to software design, actor model, reactive domain-driven design and the importance of an emergent architecture.

  • Samsung's Agile & Lean UX Journey

    Samsung has applied a team-led agile transformation followed by a culture-led agile transformation, to focus teams on real users and valuable products. Teams create and use personas which they use to do team-driven user research throughout product development, said Jaesung Jo, senior UX designer at Samsung SDS, in his talk at the Lean and Agile ME Summit 2019.

  • Experimenting with #NoProductOwner at F-Secure

    Maaret Pyhäjärvi experimented with no product owner and reported the benefits on team performance. The team developed a cross-team ownership that increased their ability to solve problems, they improved the flow of value, delivered solutions faster, and drove innovation as they anticipated features that were not expected by the business. they introduced data driven feedback mechanism.

  • Discovering Culture through Artifacts: QCon London Q&A

    Behavior and values are two critical components to organizational culture; values denote what the organization believes in, and behaviors are rooted in those values, argued Mike McGarr, engineering leader at Slack. At QCon London 2019 he spoke about improving your understanding of an organization’s culture, the key components of culture, and what to look for in order to learn about the culture.

  • Tuckman Was Wrong! Doc Norton on Reteaming Models

    At Agile India 2019, Doc Norton shared why the Tuckman team formation model doesn’t work and described new reteaming models that are more applicable to current agile teams. Norton shared reteaming models that foster organizational innovation and learning and identified 4 criteria leading to better teams’ performance: autonomy, connection, excellence and diversity.

  • Web-Based Monte Carlo Simulation for Agile Estimation

    A web-based tool for calculating project estimates using a Monte Carlo simulation was recently made publicly available. It was created in the hopes that agile teams will use it to facilitate conversations between scrum masters and product managers, focusing on realistic outcomes and not overly optimistic projections.