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  • Adding Agile to Lean at Toyota Connected

    Adding agility to Lean Product Development enabled Toyota Connected to deliver faster, with higher quality, and reduced costs. Nigel Thurlow presented “Lean is NOT enough” at Lean Digital Summit 2018 where he showed how they embraced agile for colocated teams and outsourcing, and how portfolio planning evolved to an executive prioritization model to increase business agility.

  • Examining the Value of Agile Certifications

    Ben Linders has recently authored several blog posts examining the benefits of living by the principles and behaviours of Agility over pursuing certifications or adopting frameworks. Knowledge Hut’s recent survey of Agile certifications indicated that those with a greater focus on work-based experience tend to correlate with higher earnings. We report on recent thinking around certifications.

  • Lean and Agile Transformation at Banco BPI

    After adopting Scrum, Banco BPI came to lean in an iterative way, by doing things that made sense to them in their context. Their goal is to bring parties closer together to optimise the whole system and avoid micro-optimisations. Your own context and needs must guide you, don't wait to have the perfect answer, but iterate relentlessly and take small steps is what they learned.

  • Engineering a Generation Z Culture

    The next generation of engineers brings a new set of challenges and opportunities for recruitment, building teams, and retaining talent. Barbara McCarthy, director of engineering at Hubspot, spoke about engineering a generation Z culture at Women in Tech Dublin 2018.

  • Boosting Team Inclusion at the Workplace Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies

    Boosting Team Inclusion at the Workplace using Technologies establishes that active inclusion enables diverse teams to exceed their performance goals. Gartner suggests leveraging new artificial intelligence powered applications in three areas: sourcing inclusive-ready candidates, analyzing teams' interaction, and training team leaders.

  • Progressing with a Gender-Blind Attitude

    Individual skills should determine success; we should not distinguish people by gender, said Oksana Afonina at Women in Tech Dublin. In her talk, she explained how she focuses on her own skills and performance, those being the main traits to benefit from career-wise. Change starts with you, she said; there are always opportunities to empower others around you and scale your impact.

  • New Docker Hub Merges Together Docker Cloud and Docker Store

    Docker has released a new Docker Hub experience that combines the previous Docker Store, Docker Cloud, and Docker Hub functionality into one location. This provides users with a single experience for finding, storing, and sharing container images. Verified and certified images and plugins are now available through Docker Hub. They have also released improvements to the automated build feature.

  • The Tech Coach Strikes Back: The Value of Mentoring and Mob Programming

    Technical coaching is all about helping developers grow by finding ways to increase their technical excellence and to work with softer skills, like the ability to be able to communicate and listen to other developers, argued Tobias Modig at GrowIT 2018. The softer part is closely connected to traditional coaching, but it also comes with a tech twist.

  • Upbound Release Preview of "Crossplane", a Universal Control Plane API for Cloud Computing

    Upbound, the creators of the Rook storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, released Crossplane, an open source multi-cloud control plane that aims to provide a “universal API for cloud computing”. Crossplane exposes workload and resource abstractions on-top of Kubernetes and existing cloud-based managed services with the goal of enabling a high degree of workload portability across cloud providers.

  • Enterprise Agility in the Norwegian Government

    The Norwegian Labor and Welfare Directorate wanted to transform their IT department to be able to deliver value continuously and deliver faster, in line with users' ever-increasing expectations. Torill Iversen, director, and Kjell Tore Guttormsen, team lead, spoke about how they went from bureaucracy to enterprise agility at the Atlassian Summit Europe 2018.

  • Gartner on the Next Generation of Managers

    Melanie Lougee, Research VP at Gartner, discusses how managers, impacted by digital transformations and by agile new ways of thinking and collaborating, must adopt new leading and coaching models.

  • Shipping More Safely by Encouraging Ownership of Deployments

    Many incidents happen during or right after the release argues Charity Majors, CEO at Honeycomb. She believes that stronger ownership of the deployment process by developers will ensure it is executed regularly and reduce risk. She argues for investment in the tooling, high observability during and after release, and small, frequent releases to minimize the impact caused by shipping new code.

  • What Can We Learn from the Digital Natives Using Lean

    Fabrice Bernhard, co-founder and CEO of Theodo UK, presented "what lean can learn from digital natives" at Lean Digital Summit 2018. Digital natives are familiar with the lean startup and agile practices. They go further by combining Agile with the Toyota Production System which enables them to experiment with ideas, spread innovations, and scale fast.

  • GitLab 11.6 Supports Serverless Function Deployment

    The latest release of GitLab is able to use Knative and Kubernetes to build, deploy, and manage serverless workloads leveraging the Function as a service (FaaS) model.

  • The Future of Work Is Female

    Jobs currently performed by the majority of women, where it’s more about adaptability, improvisation, emotional intelligence, and implicit knowledge, will predominate in the future, according to Agnieszka Walorska. Artificial intelligence and robotics will automate highly specialized jobs mostly performed by men.