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  • The Manual Regression Testing Manifesto

    Automating regression tests isn’t always the best solution, argued Brendan Connolly at the 2018 fall Online Testing Conference. He presented the “manual regression testing manifesto” and showed how it can be used to differentiate feature testing from regression testing and to decide when to automate or not automate tests.

  • DockerCon EU 2018 Summary: Migration Tooling, Docker Desktop Enterprise and More

    At DockerCon Europe 2018, core announcements included the preview of container-based migration tooling for .NET and Java applications, support for digital transformation efforts and technology integration projects, the launch of Docker Desktop Enterprise, the open sourcing of Docker Compose on Kubernetes, and the announcement of the CNAB specification in collaboration with Microsoft.

  • Microsoft Announces New Features and Integrations for Azure Pipelines

    At the recent Connect() event, Microsoft announced several new features and integrations with Azure Pipelines. The new features and integrations include an Azure Pipelines extension for Visual Studio Code, management of GitHub Releases, support for IoT projects, and ServiceNow integration.

  • Doubling Delivery Without Multiplying Staff, Using Lean Principles

    Lean tools can help to improve productivity and fulfil customer commitments. At Keepeek, techniques like pull flow, PDCA, and Red Bin are used to analyse discrepancies. Improvements are prioritised on customer impact. As a result, their throughput increased significantly, customer satisfaction went up, and their NPS improved.

  • Embracing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion: A Necessity

    In technology we need to consistently innovate and push boundaries, which we cannot do to the best of our ability without hiring, listening and retaining different demographics of people. A tech industry which actively supports and empowers underrepresented groups is a better industry for everyone. Embracing diversity and fostering an environment of inclusion improves the bottom line.

  • Reflections on Technical Leading: Q&A with Julia Hayward at Agile in the City Bristol

    Employers need to adopt fluid structures for people to find balance in their role, technical and managerial paths should lie side by side, you can’t have genuine effective growth without psychological safety, and a good mentor to talk about problems and scenarios is invaluable; these are some of the reflections on technical leading brought up by Julia Hayward, technical lead at Redgate Software.

  • Five Initiatives to Modernize Jenkins and Kill the "Jenkinsteins"

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Jenkins and CTO at CloudBees, spoke last month at Jenkins World in Nice about five on-going initiatives to modernize the popular CI/CD tool. The initiatives revolve around Jenkins Evergreen, Jenkins Pipeline (Blue Ocean), Jenkins Configuration-as-Code, Jenkins X, and Cloud-Native Jenkins.

  • Underplayed Premises of TDD: Q&A with GeePaw Hill

    TDD is more than a technique; it’s a whole style of programming, an integrated system of related behaviors and ideas. The five premises of TDD provide a ring in which we operate, they are the air that a TDD’er breathes.

  • The Importance of Feedback for Skill Development and Careers

    Feedback and continuous learning are crucial for personal and professional development. Non-technical skills like creative problem solving, critical thinking, and an entrepreneurial mindset are important to make progress in your career. You have to own your career direction and know what you ultimately want to be in order to decide on the next steps.

  • Atomist Software Delivery Machine 1.0 Launched

    Atomist, a software delivery automation company, has announced their Software Delivery Machine (SDM) 1.0. Atomist SDM is a cloud-native software delivery platform with additional capabilities, specifically for Kubernetes and Spring.

  • Test Driven Containerized Build Pipelines in ConcourseCI

    A Lead Developer at Thoughtworks shared his team’s experience in rewriting the build pipeline for one of their clients. They migrated from Jenkins to ConcourseCI, with a focus on configuration-as-code, pipeline-driven delivery, container support and visibility into the system.

  • The Software Defined Delivery Manifesto: Collaborative, Model-Based, Event-Driven Automation

    At GOTO Copenhagen, Rod Johnson announced “The Software Defined Delivery Manifesto”, and argued that the delivery of software “is not a detail, it is our job”, and accordingly, “now is the time to engineer our delivery”. The authors of the manifesto argue that software defined delivery should be core, well-engineered, collaborative, accelerated (through automation and reuse) and observable.

  • Code Reviews in Practice

    Code reviews are a great way to find bugs, get input from other team members, and share knowledge and ownership. For maximum benefit, integrate code reviews into your development process to ensure that no code reaches production without being reviewed. Reviews tend to uncover unresolved issues in the development process which you may need to address.

  • The Human Side of Microservices

    A microservices architecture is a game changer for team communication, not a purely technical solution. If different teams don’t have stable, direct communication channels, the software they produce will suffer. The five key properties crucial for a successful microservices implementation are zero-configuration, auto-discovery, high redundancy, self-healing, and fault tolerance.

  • Amazon Introduces CloudFormation Drift Detection

    In a recent blog post, Amazon announced CloudFormation Drift Detection which organizations can leverage to automate configuration consistency across AWS cloud resources. The CloudFormation Drift Detection feature allows organizations who have templated their configurations and deployments, known as stacks, to detect when configuration drift occurs from out-of-band changes.