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  • Q&A with Katrina Clokie on Testing in DevOps for Engineers

    Wellington's DevOpsDays NZ recently closed with a keynote by Katrina Clokie on the Testing Skills and Superpower which engineers can utilise in a DevOps setting. The author of A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps spoke with InfoQ to discuss the changes she's seen in the testing landscape and how this is further impacted by the move to embrace DevOps principles.

  • Think of Software as a Force for Good, Using Teal and Agile

    A teal organisation set its horizon by defining its higher purpose and describing why it exists. Individuals join the company because of the value it creates for the world, and work freely towards a specific purpose. A teal and agile company has a culture of complete openness, transparency and mutual trust; everyone should feel safe and encouraged to share ideas, and make mistakes, without fear.

  • Bringing the Humanity Back into Customer Support

    Treat your support team well and they will treat your customers well. Support teams need to be trained and trusted, they deserve autonomy and ownership over their work. Bots shouldn’t be used in customer support to help people solve problems; people need to help people even if it’s more expensive than hiring robots.

  • Managing in Organisations without Managers: Self-Management in Action

    At the Agile People conference, Doug Kirpatrick gave a keynote talk and a deep dive workshop about what it takes to adopt Self-Management in an organization. Self-Management is the organizational philosophy represented by individuals freely and autonomously performing the traditional functions of management without mechanistic hierarchy or arbitrary, unilateral command authority over others.

  • Build Agility with Design Sprints

    Design sprints can be a powerful vehicle for challenging traditional ways-of-working that that hamstring business agility. Teams can solve challenging business and customer problems in incredibly creative, exciting and valuable ways, and as a group they are collectively more willing to kill bad ideas early.

  • Enabling Individual Growth for Business Value at Tangible

    When a company starts to grow, working together is not enough for new people to learn the culture. For competence growth and for developing their culture, Tangible organizes workshops, internal days of knowledge exchange, hosted events and training, and evening activities, and assigns mentors for new people. This helps them to align individual values and intentions with the corporate vision.

  • Wave 2 Agile: Living the Agile Mindset

    Living the agile mindset means actually doing it, not just talking about it. Living agile is only accessible to those who say yes to personal growth in a big way. If you want different behaviours in your organization, change your own behaviour. This is what Michael K Sahota is calling "Wave 2 of Agile", and invites everyone to join.

  • A Brief History of High-Performing Teams by Jessica Kerr

    If you're looking for an early example of a high-performing, agile team, then study the Florentine Camerata, a group formed in Florence, Italy, around 1580 that reformed their contemporary music with the creation of opera. The lessons of the camerata, and similar teams throughout history, were the subject of Jessica Kerr's keynote presentation at Explore DDD 2018.

  • Organizational Refactoring at Mango

    To increase agility, companies can descale themselves into value centers in charge of a business strategic initiative, with end-to-end responsibility and with full access to the information regarding customer needs. You need to create spaces where people can cross-collaborate and learn, using for instance self-organized improvement circles, Communities of Practice or an internal Open Source model.

  • Continuous Integration at Intel for the Mesa Graphics Library

    Mesa CI is a continuous integration system at Intel for running builds and compliance test suites for the Mesa graphics library. It runs across more than 200 systems and runs tens of millions of tests per day.

  • Q&A with Jeff Smith on His DevOpsDays NZ Keynote on DevOps Transformations

    InfoQ catches up with Jeff Smith on Centro transformation to a DevOps culture, which will feature in his forthcoming keynote at DevOpsDays NZ. Smith also discusses his recent DevOpsDays Indianapolis talk on the misalignment which can arise due to the different lenses through which collaborators see the world.

  • Designing Organisations with Purposeful Agile

    In a purpose-centric agile implementation, stakeholders make a clear shared purpose come to reality through visible outcomes. It starts with awareness of the organisation’s installed culture, finding installed habits and beliefs that pull back and block change, and deciding what you want to do about that. The second step is to create the necessary time and space for true change to happen.

  • GitHub Release Developer Workflow Tools: Actions, Suggested Changes & Security Alerts for .NET/Java

    At GitHub Universe in San Francisco, GitHub announced a number of new tools to help developers make their workflows more effective, including Actions, Suggested Changes, Security Alerts for .NET and Java, and more.

  • Recognitions of 2018 World Agility Announced

    The 2018 world agility recognitions have been announced by the World Agility Forum. Next to regional recognitions for companies in Europe, Africa, and America, there are also recognitions for creativity agility, agile in defense, team agility, personal agility, and lifetime agility.

  • How Continuous Delivery Impacts Testing

    With continuous delivery we need to focus on quality as we write the code. Not every team will have testers, but if there are testers then they will work closely with developers, writing code to automate the small number of tests that cannot be covered by unit tests while helping developers creating unit tests.