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  • Heroes Are Expensive - Extinguishing the Firefighting Culture

    Sue Johnston gave a talk at the recent Agile2018 Conference in San Diego titled "Heroes Are Expensive - Extinguishing The Firefighting Culture". She identified how to spot a hero, what leads team members and leaders to heroics, what the impact is, what we can do about it, and how we can redefine what a Hero is.

  • 13th Annual State of Agile Survey is Open

    The 13th annual State of Agile survey has been announced by CollabNet VersionOne. This yearly survey explores the worldwide adoption of agile.

  • Agile Stalwart David Hussman Passed away on 18 August

    Product development expert and agile practitioner, community builder and stalwart David Hussman ("The Dude") passed away on 18 August, 2018. Hussman was the founder of DevJam, known among many things for devising Dude's Law to succinctly express the value in a product or idea. He was a musician, father, entrepreneur and community builder who will be sorely missed.

  • Think in Products, Not Projects: Q&A with Ardita Karaj

    Organizations structured around products oversee their work end-to-end. Reversing Conway’s law to establish long-lived teams around the products brings stability and makes it easier to manage and prioritize work. Retrospectives are a powerful tool for product management; they give confidence to continue and help you pivote quickly on what might become high risk or loss for the organization.

  • Gartner Updates Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools

    In 2017, Gartner replaced their study on “Application Development Lifecycle Management” with new research on “Enterprise Agile Planning Tools”. According to the analysts, by leveraging customer centric and business outcome driven practices with continual feedback, Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) tools help organizations establish agile practices at scale

  • Heidi Helfand on Listening for Maximum Impact

    Leadership starts with listening and it can amplify your impact! Heidi Helfand presented at Agile2018 on developing our listening skills to be a better leader. Leaders who listen have a big impact on their teams. Slowing down and paying attention, actually listening vs. jumping to give answers, is where the impact is. It may seem slower, but it has lasting results.

  • Arthur Purnama on Integrated IT and Organizational Transformation

    Arthur Purnama will talk at the upcoming Agile Impact conference in Indonesia about his experiences helping organisations move towards integrated IT, and how the importance of understanding how people think, comprehend, and receive the message of change is crucial to the success of any transformation program.

  • Keeping Distributed Teams in Sync

    The biggest challenge of distributed teams is communication, which is essential for establishing ground rules on collaboration. Shifting working hours to accommodate each other and team liaisons help to communicate and synchronize work. Teams based on trust, respect, and openness will encourage themselves to help people throughout the organization and foster a culture that keeps teams in sync.

  • Strategies for Microservices Communication

    When moving from a monolith to a microservices architecture, complexity implicitly hidden within the monolith becomes explicitly visible and the challenges for communication will grow exponentially, Michael Plöd explained in a presentation at GeeCON 2018, describing different strategies for communicating between microservices.

  • Author, Teacher, and Consultant Jerry Weinberg Passed Away

    Gerald M. “Jerry” Weinberg, author, teacher, and consultant, passed away August 7, 2018, at the age of 84. Weinberg published about 100 books on computer programming, systems thinking, leadership, change, consulting, and writing.

  • Continuous Delivery Implemented with Event Sourcing at eBay

    Using an event-centric approach, the Continuous Delivery team at eBay has built an orchestrator for continuous delivery, which is able to scale to handle the increasing amount of work in their build pipelines, John Long and Nataraj Sundar write in two blog posts describing their view on the overall benefits of event sourcing and the advantages they have seen in their application development.

  • Spark the Change: Unleashing People’s Talent

    Make curiosity our priority, fundamentally question how and when work should happen, enable fragmentation with technology to become a task-based society, maximize the possibility of authentic human connection in recruiting, ask questions to spark the change, and look for ways to integrate refugees into the workforce: These are some of the conclusions and suggestions to unleash people’s talent.

  • Digital Disruption via Space: High-Speed Internet Access through Satellites

    Satellites are enabling high speed access to the internet in rural areas, on airplanes, and for internet service providers to the core network. Space technology innovations like electric propulsion, digitalization revolutionize telecommunications and new entrants like SpaceX are forcing launch costs down. These developments will enable new services and lower the costs of existing ones.

  • Pymetrics Open-Sources Fairness-Aware Machine Learning Algorithms

    Pymetrics, an AI start-up that specializes in providing recruitment services for organizations, has recently open-sourced their bias detection algorithms on Github. The tool, also known as Audit AI, is used to mitigate discriminatory patterns that exist within training data sets which influence or improve the probability of a population being selected by a machine learning algorithm.

  • Focusing on Business Outcomes at Barclays: Overcoming the "Urgency Paradox"

    Jonathan Smart, head of working ways, and Morag McCall, PMO at Barclays, spoke last month at the DevOps Enterprise Summit in London about re-thinking the entire flow of work, from initial idea triage until releasing to production. This means introducing agility into how the application and services portfolio is managed, as well as changing the role of the PMO and finance departments.