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  • Managing the Software Supply Chain with the "Grafeas" Metadata API and "Kritis" Deploy Authorization

    In a recent Google Cloud Platform (GCP) blog series exploring container security, the GCP team has presented further details of Grafeas -- a common API and language to store, query and retrieve metadata about software components -- and Kritis -- a proposed framework that enables the use of metadata stored in Grafeas to build and enforce real-time deployment policies with Kubernetes.

  • StackPointCloud Enhances Istio and Kubernetes Functionality in Cloud-Native Management Platform

    StackPointCloud, provider of a cloud-native management platform for Istio and Kubernetes, has added a series of tools to help enterprises deploy and use microservices and containers. Users can now manage Istio service meshes across Kubernetes clusters using their preferred cloud providers and StackPointCloud has partnered with Packet Host to help customers use ARM with their Kubernetes clusters.

  • New Report from The Linux Foundation Shows Demand High for DevOps Skills

    The 2017 Open Source Jobs Report from the Linux Foundation and tech career hub, Dice, shows 60% demand for DevOps human resources among more than 2,000 IT open source professionals and IT hiring managers.  DevOps skills were found to be in the top three most sought after open source skills (57%) along with cloud/virtualisation (60%) and application platforms (59%).

  • Making Stack Overflow More Welcoming

    Jay Hanlon, EVP of Culture and Experience for Stack Overflow, posted a blog entry titled “Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change”. In the post he explains the problems Stack Overflow have which make it an unwelcoming and intimidating place. He explains the commitment to addressing the issues and provides specific steps they are taking.

  • BDD Tool Cucumber is 10 Years Old: Q&A with its Founder Aslak Hellesøy

    Cucumber was created as a way to overcome ambiguous requirements and misunderstandings, but if you think Cucumber is a testing tool you are wrong, Aslak Hellesøy, who created Cucumber in 2008, stated a few years ago. In an interview with InfoQ he described his experiences using Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) and Cucumber, and what he thinks about the future for a tool that’s now 10 years old.

  • Measuring Trust and Its Impact on Leadership and Organisational Change

    Atlassian's Dom Price and Prudy Gourguechon, a business psychology consultant, have both recently written about the importance of trust between teams and their leaders, indicating the difficulty in confidently measuring this. They provide behavioural patterns to look out for in the way teams collaborate, deal with uncertainty, take personal ownership and experience inclusivity from leadership.

  • Sustainable Software with Agile

    Sustainable software enables you to deliver changes to the customer more quickly with a lower likelihood of bugs, decrease of the total cost of ownership of applications, and increase business agility. It’s possible to verify the sustainability of software using a combination of automated analysis of source code, expert review of technical artifacts, and comparison with benchmark data.

  • GitLab Web IDE Goes GA and Open-Source in GitLab 10.7

    GitLab Web IDE, aimed to simplify the workflow of accepting merge requests, is generally available in GitLab 10.7, along with other features aimed to improve C++ and Go code security and improve Kubernets integration.

  • Trunk Based Development as a Cornerstone for Continuous Delivery

    Dave Farley, co-author of the pivotal Continuous Delivery book, recently wrote about push-back to the practice of trunk based development, despite evidence of its role in achieving the benefits of CI and high performing teams. Jez Humble, his co-author, also commented in a twitter-thread on the cultural aspects of the practice to understand its relation to programmer psyche.

  • 12th State of Agile Report Published

    The 2018 State of Agile Report has been published by CollabNet VersionOne. Some of the conclusions from the report are that the need for customer and user satisfaction is increasing, more and more organizations are scaling agile, distributed teams are becoming the norm in agile software development, and many organization have started or plan to start a DevOps initiative in the next 12 months.

  • GCP Release “kaniko”, a Tool to Build Container Images inside Unprivileged Containers or Kubernetes

    Google has released "kaniko", an open source tool to build container images from a Dockerfile, inside a container or Kubernetes cluster. kaniko does not depend on a Docker daemon and executes each command within a Dockerfile completely in userspace. This enables building container images in environments that can't easily or securely run a Docker daemon, such as a standard Kubernetes cluster.

  • Lean-Agile Procurement for Outsourcing

    One of the last barriers to organisations becoming agile in their operations is the procurement process. At the recent Agilia Conference, Mirko Kleiner presented on Lean-Agile Procurement, an approach to negotiating service contracts which involves procurement specialists, IT teams and suppliers, to move from a combative stance to a collaborative approach to addressing the customers’ needs.

  • What It Means to Be a Site Reliability Engineer According to a Survey from Catchpoint

    Site Reliability Engineering intersects software engineering with IT Operations and is an approach created at Google in 2003 and described in detail in their 2016 book, Site Reliability Engineering, How Google Runs Production Systems. Digital experience intelligence provider, Catchpoint, surveyed 416 Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) with the goal of understanding what it means to be a SRE.

  • Software Engineering for Creativity, Collaboration, and Inventiveness

    A software engineering discipline must be iterative, based on feedback, incremental, experimental, and empirical. Craftsmanship is not sufficient; engineering is an amplifier, it enhances creativity, collaboration, and inventiveness. Continuous delivery is grounded in engineering principles.

  • Kayenta: An Open Source Canary Analysis Tool from Netflix and Google

    Kayenta is an open source canary analysis tool used to evaluate the readiness for production of a new version of a software.