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  • Applitools Expands Application Visual Management Capabilities

    Application Visual Management (AVM) focuses on the monitoring and testing of visual aspects of the application delivery lifecycle. Applitools Eyes Version 10 provides new UI baseline management, team collaboration, expanded third-party tool integrations and improved analytics dashboards.

  • Agile and the Use of Paradoxes

    Paradoxes support agile transformations; they make you stop, think, and discuss by using a shared language. They also help to show empathy and provide a way forward. VIVAT, a Dutch insurance company, uses paradoxes in training and everyday work to drive their agile transformation.

  • Introversion, Ambiversion and Extroversion at Work

    Introversion and extroversion are not binary personality types; people fall somewhere on the scale between the two types and the way someone behaves can change depending on the context they find themselves in at the moment. In fact, most of the population are ambiverts. Understanding these differences can make for more effective teamwork and communication.

  • The Relationship between Team Emotion and Delivery

    AI firm Deep Affects studied Jira projects, presenting a relationships between emotional health and team productivity. Their findings are also supported by Gallup's 2017 State of the Workforce survey which indicates the cost of not having emotionally engaged teams.

  • How to Win a Solar Race Using Agile

    The Nuon Solar team uses agile and Scrum to take the steps which add the most value to the project first, integrate different disciplines, ensure transparency and focus, and reflect to improve. Their goal is promote and educate the use of clean energy; the mission is to win the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa using the power of innovation.

  • GitHub Introduces Multiple Commit Authors

    GitHub has started supporting multiple commit authors. The new feature is meant to improve collaboration from several developers on the same commits or pulls requests and ensures every author gets attribution of their commits in their profile contributions graph and the repository’s statistics.

  • Electric Cloud Enhances Platform With Additional Mainframe and Microservices Capabilities

    New ElectricFlow DevOps Automation support for mainframe includes native automation capabilities both pre- and post-deployment and pipeline governance and security. A new native microservices model allows microservices to be treated as first-level objects so that they can be modeled independently of applications and environments.

  • Codefresh Releases CLI for Kubernetes

    Codefresh has released a Command Line Interface (CLI) allowing users to operate Codefresh remotely and access the Codefresh API from inside Docker pipelines.

  • 2017-2018 State of Scrum Report Published

    The top priority for executives is to deliver value. Once companies have implemented agile, customer satisfaction is the most improved metric. Necessity is driving agile transformations; companies with inflexible protocols and command-and-control leadership can’t compete in the modern world. Scrum is adapting and evolving; companies use it in ways that work for their corporate and cultural needs.

  • 2018 State of Testing Survey

    The 2018 State of Testing survey aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops and recognize testing trends. The survey is open through January 2018.

  • Improving The Adoption of Agile

    We should use an agile approach to adopt agile instead of adopting agile in a waterfall way, and have leaders who are willing to empower their teams and build an organization that supports them. The industry needs more practices on incrementally rolling agility out.

  • DevOps Workbench Launched by ZeroStack

    Private cloud provider, ZeroStack, has announced a self-service capability from which developers can create their own workbenches. Forty developer tools from a mix of open source and commercial providers are available to users of the DevOps Workbench through Zerostack’s Intelligent Cloud Platform.

  • How the Dutch Railways Applies Agile and Lean

    The mindset that goes with agile and lean philosophies is quite similar; lean amplifies agile and vice versa. Agile practices are suitable for the development of complex products, and lean practices help to look for opportunities to reduce waste in your processes. Lean helps to see results from the customer's point of view, from start to delivery, whereas agile supports delivering optimal value.

  • Supporting Digital Leadership with Agile

    Digitization can no longer be stopped; with customers who increasingly act digitally and mobile it is important to show digital leadership. IT is taking over traditional services and is leading the way for new digital connected products. An organization applied agile to change the way teams are funded and to establish teams of owners who take responsibility to put good products in the market.

  • How Technical Practices Support Evolutionary Architecture and Continuous Delivery

    Technical practices of XP such as TDD, Refactoring, CI and Pair Programming support emergent design and enable evolving your architecture. The first practice you need for continuous delivery is CI, committing to mainline every day. Being able to write clean, well-factored, and well-tested modular code is the most important skill for developers.