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  • The Industry Just Can't Decide about DevOps Teams

    The incidence of DevOps teams is on the rise according to reports, but the industry remains divided on whether a DevOps team should even exist. Some are wary of creating additional silos, or are of the opinion that DevOps is a methodology that everyone should subscribe to in an organisation; others point to DevOps teams as an effective way of transitioning to a new way of working.

  • The Toyota Way at Codeweavers

    Codeweavers combines the Toyota way with extreme programming and continuous delivery in development and support to do small, frequent releases. The advice to apply the Toyota way is to start with the books, understand the philosophy, and begin teaching it to others.

  • The Future of Work - Morning Sessions from Agile People Sweden

    The fifth Agile People Sweden Conference is being held on October 23 and 24 in Stockholm. The 2017 conference theme is: The Future of Work - Scaling Agile to Improve Worklife. The Monday morning sessions explored agility scales, enterprise wide agility with sociocracy, and self organization.

  • Awards Given to ThoughtWorks, GEICO, and Accenture awarded Top Companies awards to Accenture, GEICO and ThoughtWorks at the Grace Hopper Conference in October. Dr. Parsons from ThoughtWorks shared why diversity is so important.

  • Paradoxes in Culture Change

    Organizations should realize that organizational culture is an important factor in increasing agility, and then act on this realization. The desired organizational culture must be promoted by example top down; what is happening at the top of the organization concerning values, communication and customer involvement will predict what will happen in the "underlying" layers of the organization.

  • Continuous Delivery of Telecom Software at Ericsson

    The telecom industry has seen changes in service delivery processes in recent years via the adoption of DevOps principles and tools. Ericsson’s talk at the DevOps Enterprise Summit 2017 in London and their and continuous delivery paper outline the challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

  • The Spotify Model is No "Agile Nirvana"

    At Spotify, management and the way the organization works support teams and agile practices by growing people. But Spotify isn’t an “Agile Nirvana”, it’s hard to reach high performance with teams that are constantly growing, changing, and splitting into new teams.

  • State of Scrum Master Salary Report Released

    Stefan Wolpers of the Age of Product has released a State of Scrum Master Salary report, summarizing the responses from over 500 scrum masters across 13 countries. The intent of the research was to identify common career patterns and their financial remuneration.

  • Experimenting with Self-Organisation

    Self-organising teams are much more effective, engaged and happier. Not everyone is comfortable with self-organising; people are conditioned to do what they are told and mainly to work on their own. You need modern leadership approaches like intent-based leadership, sociocracy, and holacracy, to enable self-organising teams.

  • How Blogging Empowers Agile Teams

    Moving the thinking and decisions a team makes from people’s inboxes onto a blog can make it accessible to all, findable in the future, and referenceable by everyone. Instead of writing documentation, you can use blogumentation to transfer knowledge and document the history of projects that provide context to the code.

  • Q&A with Aurynn Shaw on Sharing Her Personal DevOps Journey at DevOpsDays NZ

    Raf Gemmail speaks with Aurynn Shaw about her upcoming DevOpsDays NZ talk and the humanist side of DevOps.

  • Treating Shared Databases Like APIs in a DevOps World

    Simon Sabin, principal consultant at, spoke at WinOps 2017 conference on how to include database changes in a continuous deployment model. A key aspect when sharing databases across multiple services or applications is to treat them as APIs, from the perspective of the database owners.

  • Agile at LEGO

    Agile has been part of LEGO for more than a decade, but it is still spreading seeds and finding applications in business areas outside digital and IT. Some of LEGO's core values are play and learning which resonate very well with the agile principle of iterations, experimentation, and retrospectives.

  • McKinsey Report on Diversity Summarized

    McKinsey's report, "Diversity Matters," was published in 2015, but in light of the growing discussion on diversity in the IT industry, a summary of the results will prove helpful to many.

  • Q&A with Sanjeev Sharma on His DevOpsDays NZ Keynote

    Raf Gemmail speaks with IBM's Sanjeev Sharma about his upcoming DevOpsDays NZ closing keynote on the DevOps and SRE lessons we can learn from Apollo 13.