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Lending Privilege for Increasing Diversity and Inclusion
A grassroots movement is necessary to increase diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Everyone has privilege; lending it to marginalized groups can make it happen, claimed Anjuan Simmons. If we have a diverse tech industry we will all win, as lending privilege increases value for everyone.
Hiring Tools and Tips from Google
Google has published a number of tools useful for the hiring process, including advice on creating a job description, preparing the interviewer, best practices for interviews, and others.
Improving Work Life with Organizational Hacks
Visualize everything, pair up, open Friday, and no training budget; these are some of the "work hacks" that have improved work life at Sipgate, a telephone provider using Scrum.
Atlassian Opens up Team Health Monitors and Team Playbook Blueprints
After introducing a tool-agnostic version of its Team Health Monitors at Summit 2016, Atlassian now also bundles Team Playbook blueprints with the recently released Confluence Server 6.1. A Health Monitor workshop is a team self-assessment aiming to identify pain points and formulate a plan to address weak spots by running low-ceremony "plays" that "can help improve a team's overall health".
Doing Safe-to-Fail Experiments
Safe-to-fail experiments can be used in complex environments to probe, sense, and respond. You have to know what success and failure look like and need to be able to dampen or amplify the effect of probing to handle potential failures. Safe-to-fail experiments can help you to deal with risks and uncertainty, learn, and keep your options open.
NuGet is Now Part of MSBuild
After experimenting with a json-based project format, Microsoft has returned to MSBuild as the foundation for C# and VB project files. Along with that decision came the promise to implement many of the much-liked project.json features. Today we’re going to talk about one of these features, NuGet integration.
Lean Organisations for the Digital Age
Lean IT should help to simplify and improve the way we create value for customers and develop better solutions for tomorrow. Organisations of the future will focus on horizontal product or service streams- and everything else, including experts and managers, is there to enable the front-line to do their work right-first-time-on-time, with no hassles.
A Crystal Ball to Prioritise Technical Debt in Monoliths or Microservices: Adam Tornhill's Thoughts
At QCon London, Adam Tornhill presented “A Crystal Ball to Prioritise Technical Debt”, and claimed that although the technical debt metaphor has taken the software world with storm, most organizations find it hard to prioritise and repay their technical debt. Key takeaways from the talk included methods to identify ‘hotspots’ of code complexity and churn.
GitLab 9 Brings Subgroups, Deploy Boards, and Integrated Monitoring
GitLab has announced version 9 of its collaborative platform for software development. Some of its most notable new features are subgroups and integrated performance monitoring, among others. InfoQ has spoken with Sid Sijbrandij, Co-Founder and CEO at GitLab.
Michael Nir on Conduct Objectives for High Team Performance
Michael Nir will give a talk at the upcoming Agile Games conference titled "Bring the Scrum Master a Glass of Water: Conduct Objectives for High Performance Team". InfoQ spoke to Nir about the goal of Conduct Objectives, the way to measure behavior, the common problem with the appreciation of personalities, how to use a Team Charter, and the link with Core Protocols.
The Agile Journey of Buurtzorg towards Teal
Buurtzorg, a Dutch nationwide nursing organization, operates entirely using self-managing practices. Teams are fully self-organized, and the organization has developed a culture where these independent teams are supported by the back office. Their IT system was developed in an agile way to help teams deliver nursing care to their patients.
Mastering Agile Testing
There is general acceptance that adopting agile development practices enables the speeding up of the delivery of software. Without incorporating quality assurance practices directly into the development process, product quality inevitably suffers. In order to consistently achieve high quality, both work practices and team roles need to change to build quality in rather than testing at the end.
Agile is King, But Continuous Integration is an Elusive Goal
A recent survey led by Dimension Data on the testing trends in modern development teams shows that agile methods are widely adopted, whereas only a few organizations reported the ability to deploy on a hourly-basis, an increasing goal amongst the respondents.
Applying Hoshin Kanri at Toyota
Toyota uses Hoshin Kanri to give direction on where they want to improve using Lean IT. Employees at various levels can exchange ideas about Hoshin items, and potentially get them approved by higher management. This approach makes results stronger and increases buy- in from the employees who contribute upfront.
Lean and Agile Culture at the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle
Scaling lean and agile is not a question of frameworks, it's about values, principles and mindset. At Yle the company management has been involved in the agile transformation by carrying out experiments, learning and doing; not by implementing frameworks. Magic happens when you work together with people in teams on all levels.