InfoQ Homepage Agile in the Enterprise Content on InfoQ
DevOps at Scale – Success Stories
Omer Felder shares what is needed to achieve the transformation to DevOps at scale, along with the biggest challenges companies and governments face during this process.
Is It SAFe to Scale? A Neutral Survey of the Lean-Agile Scaling Landscape
Jon Terry discusses some of the difficulties enterprises encounter adopting Agile along with some of the techniques like SAFe, DAD, LeSS, and Spotify.
Let's Get Naked! Agility for Human Beings
Jean-Paul Bayley discusses why Agile is being rejected by some, and what are some of the things often neglected while adopting it.
Agile in 2018
Martin Fowler reflects on Agile’s journey to become a mainstream methodology, along with some of the successes and failures encountered along the way.
Think beyond Methods, Create Viral Change
Patrick Steyaert discusses the need of instilling a new way of thinking to be agile rather than adopting some new practices.
Good Agile/Bad Agile
Karl Scotland discusses developing an agile implementation tailored for the organization using experimentation instead of copying a model from others.
Off the Beaten Track
Marc Burgauer discusses what else can be done in Agile than the usual practices that companies attempt to adopt in order to become agile.
Bringing DevOps into the Enterprise
Martin Alfke discusses issues enterprises have when adopting new methods, covering reactions from tech people, project managers used with waterfall, departments refusing change, and C managers.
Beyond Lambdas & Streams - Functional Fluency in Java
Naresha K discusses writing functional code in Java 8, the limitations and using Vavr to circumvent those limitations.
From Haskell 98 to Modern Haskell–Making Sense of the Haskell Type System
Ryan Lemmer takes a look at Haskell’s type system, including extensions: GADTs, multi-param type-classes, functional dependencies, type functions, kind polymorphism, type promotion, etc.
Functional Programming in Aviation
Tony Morris discusses some of the issues met in aviation and how functional programming can be applied to provide significant improvements in efficiency and air safety.
Mining Functional Patterns
Debasish Ghosh discusses refactoring imperative code into functional patterns, improving code quality from the point of view of modularity, compositionality and simplicity.