InfoQ Homepage Agile in the Enterprise Content on InfoQ
How to Be Agile in a Waterfall Company
Dror Helper shares from his experience implementing Agile practices in his team, outlining the do and don'ts that can make all the difference. He addresses teams working in a non-agile environment.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Tests
Seb Rose explores the choices a team needs to make when considering which Agile test practices to adopt, urging teams to practice, practice, practice until they are happy with the way they code.
Culture Hacking: Common Platform
Jim and Michele McCarthy discuss the Core Protocols that make a common platform for an organization’s culture design.
Running an Agile Transformation using Lean Startup
Jason Little discusses how to avoid an organizational change failure when introducing Agile by leveraging principles of Lean Startup and Customer Development.
From Agility to Anti-Fragility - A Practitioner's Guide
Nick Zhu & Sharan Karanth introduce a thought framework, based on Anti-Fragility, that can be used to describe, explain, and tune Agile, Lean as well as Continuous Delivery practices.
Bridging the Gap between HR Department and Agile Project Teams
Thushara Wijerwadena discusses aligning practices in various departments in an organization with those of an agile development team, addressing both the challenges and solutions to meet them.
Advanced Agile Practices
Tom Gilb offers case study -the Evo Agile Startup Week, Confirmit (Norway), the Citigroup (London) Evo Project- insights into advanced successful delivery of quality and value.
Lean Startup for Agile Product Management
Ángel Medinilla outlines the steps he recommends to make for product success: product vision, business model, test assumptions, iterative and incremental development, use metrics, and keep it simple.
Lessons Learned Implementing Activity-based Working alongside Agile at Bankwest
Ed Cortis shares lessons learned adopting ABW, covering the pilot program, noise/quiet spaces, tools, curtains, card walls, people, logistics, etc.
The Lean Mindset: The Far Side of Paradox
Mary Poppendieck examines research and case studies to help understand what a lean mindset is and how it can help a company compete in today's fast moving marketplace.
Applying Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in Agile Organizations
Jean Tabaka discusses combining Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in order to balance exploration and execution in creating and sustaining Agile adoption in teams, groups, and organizations.
Lean Engineering: Applying Lean Startup Principles at Paypal
Bill Scott details how they introduced Lean into their enterprise technology stack at Paypal.