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Accelerating the Secure Software Delivery Lifecycle with GitOps
Building secure software can be complicated and time-consuming. By employing a GitOps model, security can be safely separated from development, simplifying the delivery process and increasing velocity.
Improving CI/CD Pipelines through Observability
CI/CD pipelines are a vital addition to any workflow, but they can be further improved by the selective addition of observability. This article covers what data to monitor, which metrics to track, and how to best visualize the collected data.
How Visual Thinking Can Help Teams Get Clarity, Be More Creative, and Have More Inclusive Meetings
Visual thinking is a way of making sense of the world through images, putting thoughts into pictures. This article is here to help you understand about visual thinking, and how you could use it to support yourself and your teams to create a more inclusive, creative and collaborative culture at work.
Environment-as-a-Service (EaaS) as a Technique to Raise Productivity in Teams
In essence, EaaS addresses developer productivity issues by providing settings that make it simple for developers to test and mimic real-world uses of their system. This article discusses the benefits of EaaS.
Article Series: Developing Apache Kafka applications on Kubernetes
Apache Kafka has integrations with most of the languages used these days, but in this article series, we cover its integration with Java. In this series, we also discuss how to provision, configure and secure an Apache Kafka cluster on a Kubernetes cluster.
If Twitter Doesn’t Have a Staging Environment, Should Anyone?
With Twitter revealing they do not have a staging environment, how important is staging to delivering quality? When so many tasks are shifting to the developer these days and no one best developer approach fits all, how do dev teams determine the best developer methodology for them and their company?
Why Team-Level Metrics Matter in Software Engineering
In a world where everything can have perspective, context and data, it doesn’t make sense to limit that to just part of your software development process. The DORA metrics can provide insight into the health of your development environment, where value is being delivered and opportunities for improvement. Metrics must be used with careful insight to separate the signal from the noise.
Lessons Learned from Enterprise Usage of GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions is an effective CI tool. However, integrating it into enterprise organizations can be challenging. This article looks at best practices for GitHub Actions in the enterprise.
Blue-Green Deployment from the Trenches
Introducing blue-green deployments is often a beneficial improvement. However, with some architectures, it can be challenging to make the changes without impeding deployments. This article covers the challenges and lessons learned in implementing blue-green deployments in the real-world.
The Importance of Pipeline Quality Gates and How to Implement Them
A quality gate is an enforced measure built into your pipeline that the software needs to meet before it can proceed. This article covers how to get the maximum benefit from quality gates. Making good use of quality gates not only can improve the quality of your software, but it can also improve your delivery speed.
Great Leaders Manage Complexity with Self-Awareness and Context Awareness
People's perception and expectations on leadership requires a leader to understand their own contextual significance which makes it difficult to become an appreciated leader. Also trivialisation many times unknowingly stands in the way of progress in complex situations. This article explores specific traits that distinguish people who repeatedly provide appreciated and appropriate leadership.
Bringing a Product Mindset into DevOps
To be successful, organisations need two things: products and services their customers find valuable, and the ability to deliver these products and services well. This article shows why we must design, implement and operate our delivery pipelines (the means of turning ideas into products in the hands of users) as we would any other product or service: by adding a “product mindset".