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Adaptable or Predictable? Strive for Both – Be Predictably Adaptable!
Our efforts to improve software development face the question of what to focus on. Should we govern for predictability without concern of value, maximizing cost-efficiency without concern for end-to-end responsiveness? Or maybe do the opposite and govern for value over predictability, focus on responsiveness over cost efficiency? What we really need is to be predictably adaptable.
Continuous Delivery Coding Patterns: Latent-to-Live Code & Forward Compatible Interim Versions
This article describes two novel practices for continuous delivery: Latent-to-live code pattern and Forward compatible interim versions. You can use these practices to simultaneously increase speed and reliability of software development and reduce risks. These practices are built on top of two other essential continuous delivery practices: trunk-based-development and feature toggles.
Virtual Panel on Bimodal IT
Bimodal IT has been supported by many and criticized by many. InfoQ reached out to enterprise experts to dig deeper into the pros and cons of this strategy and how/when/if is it applicable.
The Things I Learnt about DevOps When My Car Was Engulfed by Flames
Framed in the story of the author's car catching fire, this article describes five ways of thinking to help understand DevOps culture, and behaviours necessary to create an effective DevOps team. A central theme is that DevOps challenges us to think differently about our approach to collaboration and learning, in ways often contrary to our instincts and how we’ve been encouraged to behave before.
Product Development Mechanisms
Steve Andrews discuses the need to empower self-managing teams to stay focused on delivering high-quality solutions using mechanisms like tenets and exit criteria.
Q&A with Roman Pichler about Strategize
The book Strategize by Roman Pichler provides practices, advice, and examples for product strategy and roadmapping that you can use to create successful products. InfoQ interviewed Pichler about applying product strategy and roadmapping with agile, innovation in product strategy, eliminating features when defining products, different kinds of roadmaps, and measurements for product management.
An Organization Development(OD) Approach to Agile Adoption
Is there an approach that can make Agile adoption successful at a systemic level, and not remain just an engineering practice? Organization Development (OD) is an interdisciplinary field of research, theory and practices. It has the right methods for organizations to become organic entities, to implement learning systems, empower teams to become self-organized and reduce resistance to change.
Pair Programming Is No Panacea
Is pair programming all that it's cracked up to be? Contrary to popular belief, pairing can lead to a decrease in creativity, groupthink, inappropriate feedback, and can be demoralizing. Wes Higbee explores why it definitely shouldn't be mandated, and why you should consider other options where it could be beneficial.
The Volcano - Prioritize Work for Multiple Teams & Products
It is always a challenge to pick the correct priorities. Which one of work item A, B or C shall you do first, and why? Tomas Rybing presents the Volcano, a tool to visualize and prioritize work for multiple teams working with several products.
Going Through the Scrum Motions as Opposed to Being an Agile Jedi
The force awakens: is it Agile or are we just going through Scrum motions? Michael Nir speaker and Agile coach shares expert best practices; too much Scrum might lead us to the dark side of the force. Being Agile rather than doing Scrum – focus on what we want to achieve; getting the right products that our users want quickly, using fast feedback loops, and employing continuous removal of waste.
Unfreezing an Organization
Ahmad Fahmy provides an authentic retrospective of a large scale agile transformation at a large bank, looking at what worked, what didn't and lessons which can be applied at other organizations facing similar challenges.
Why Won’t They Pair?
Pair programming is one of the core techniques of eXtreme Programming and has been shown to be effective for knowledge sharing as well as code quality, but it is a practice that is often not used, even in the most agile of organizations. Linda Cook explores why that is and provides some advice on how to encourage teams to try the practice.