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Q&A on Kanban in Action
The book Kanban in Action by Marcus Hammarberg and Joakim Sundén is a practical introduction for using kanban to manage work. It provides ideas for applying kanban to visualize work and track progress, to limit work in process, and on how to use metrics for improvement. It also provides games and exercises to learn the kanban principles.
Q&A with Barry Boehm and Richard Turner on The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model
The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model describes a process model generator. InfoQ interviewed the authors about the principles underlying the Incremental Commitment Spiral Model (ICSM), applying the ICSM, benefits that organization can get from it, and how organizations can use the ICSM to determine under what conditions to use software-intensive agile frameworks like Scrum, DSDM, SAFe, or DAD.
What UX is and isn't?
User Experience is part of a collaborative, self-contained and balanced team that has all the necessary roles to be wholly responsible for building the right thing, and building the thing right.User experience runs deep, is way more than the UI, and starts in the abstract with the strategy.
Q&A with Sander Hoogendoorn on This is Agile
The book This is Agile: Beyond the basics. Beyond the Hype. Beyond Scrum by Sander Hoogendoorn covers situations that enterprises can encounter when adopting agile, and provides solutions on how to deal with them. It is a translation of the Dutch book Dit is Agile. InfoQ interviewed Sander about managing agile projects, balancing the work in iterations, and different kinds of agile approaches.
Q&A with Nadja Macht on Innovation, Flow and Continuous Improvement
Retrospectives help teams to learn from their experiences and improve continuously. In this interview Nadja Macht, Flow Manager and Coach at Jimdo, talks about how to balance flow and slack time in teams, doing visual management with Kanban boards and deploying agile retrospectives for continuous improvement.
A JIRA List Is Not A Scrum Product Backlog
A well managed backlog should contain a manageable set of Product Backlog Items (PBIs) that are of value to the customers & users of the resultant product. Keeping the right items at the right level of detail in the backlog takes careful management. This article presents some techniques for managing the backlog and provides examples from the authors' experiences.
Cynefin 101 – An Introduction
This paper is to introduces the Cynefin model and its practices which can be used to address the uncertainty of the modern world. The practices that are introduced can be used to compliment traditional approaches to project, programme and portfolio management. This provides a more comprehensive approach that reflects the needs of management in an ever more uncertain world.
Burn-Down or Burn-Out? How to Beat the Red-Sprint Agile Anti-Pattern
There are ways to obtain sustainable pace beyond scrum that can help stem the increasing number of failing scrum projects. Because executing sprints as small projects often does not lead to the desired results, it is more effective to apply a backlog-item-oriented workflow and to treat sprints as iterations.
Making an Impact on 7000 Orphanages
Ahmad presents a set of useful techniques that can be applied in strategic workshop or in an initial product backlog session. He tells the story of how the techniques were used in a strategy workshop held in Cairo for a NGO who seeks to raise the standards for all orphanages across Egypt.
Article Series: Configuration Management Tools
Configuration management is the foundation that makes modern infrastructure possible. Tools that enable configuration management are required in the toolbox of any operations team, and many development teams as well. Although all the tools aim to solve the same basic set of problems, they adhere to different visions and exhibit different characteristics.
Ansible’s View on IT Automation
Michael DeHaan, creator of Ansible, introduces the general-purpose IT automation system. He describes the tool’s guiding principles: simplicity, ease of use and maximum security. The philosophy behind its community is also discussed, including the importance of Ansible’s plugin-based model. Michael uses a simple but common scenario to demonstrate Ansible.
Exploring the ENTIRE DevOps Toolchain for (Cloud) Teams
When assessing technology that empowers a DevOps transformation, it’s easy to focus in on the headline capabilities (“configuration management!”) and miss out on the bigger picture. How can teams shipping cloud (or on-premises) applications use the full suite of DevOps technologies to simplify delivery and management at scale? This article classifies and explains key enabling technologies.