InfoQ Homepage Agile Techniques Content on InfoQ
Transforming an Advertising Agency - Bringing an Agile Mindset beyond Engineering
David Grabel shows how the advertising division of a company embraced Agile processes to be in sync with the development team which used a three week development cycle.
Continuous Performance Testing
Mark Price talks about techniques for making performance testing a first-class citizen in a Continuous Delivery pipeline.
Build to Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods
Sara Bayless da Costa discusses several prototyping methods helping to learn about product, gather quality feedback, and get the best version of a product out there as quickly as possible.
Coaching Nightmares: Insights We Can Learn from Gordon Ramsay
Renee Troughton and Craig Smith draw insights from Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares escapades, introducing a number of models and techniques that are indispensable to the coaching toolkit.
Never Develop Alone, Always with a Partner
Fakih Houssam discusses the challenges and the main benefits of pair-programming, how to make the most of it, how to improve pairing, how to anticipate and fix problems, and common errors.
Meditation Made Simple
Prakash Raman discusses the science behind meditation and its benefits, the challenges people face, the practical and easy tools useful to experience, the benefits of a life less stressed, etc.
Fragile Agile: Coaching a Tired Team
Anna Obukhova describes what changes when a team is tired, how to estimate the stage of exhaustion, and what to do to improve the process and produce steady results.
Kanban Metrics in Practice
Mattia Battiston shares from his experience at Sky Network: what metrics they use, how they use them, what pitfalls they encountered and what little data they collect to get a whole lot of value.
Iterative Design for Data Science Projects
Bo Peng goes over how Datascope iterated on the major pieces of the Expert Finder application project to produce actionable insights and recommendations on methodologies.
What Are You Seeing That I'm Not Seeing? Developing Empathy Skill
Andrew Annett leads a minds-on session that explores the specific challenge of developing empathy skills helping participants to get an understanding of the different types of empathy.
Putting a SpEL on Spinnaker: Evolving an Expression Language for Continuous Delivery at Netflix
Tomas Lin discusses Spinnaker and SpEL, an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform that is used by over 90% of cloud deployments at Netflix.
Spinnaker - Land of a 1000 Builds
Greg Turnquist talks about Spinnaker, the open source continuous deployment tool that supports multiple clouds, multiple languages, and multiple providers.