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  • J2CL: A Java-to-JavaScript Transpiler

    J2CL is a source-to-source compiler that converts Java to Javascript. It attempts to solve a different problem than similar Java-to-Javascript frameworks such as GWT. Likewise, J2CL is not meant to compete with or replace existing JavaScript frameworks; J2CL is about interoperability and cross-platform code reuse.

  • Apache Wicket 7.2.0 Released

    The Apache Wicket PMC has released Apache Wicket 7.2.0. This release is a minor release, but does contain new features. To learn more about this release and the state of Apache Wicket, InfoQ interviewed Apache Wicket PMC member Martijn Dashorst.

  • Google's Recipe to Code Sharing across Android, iOS, and the Web

    Garrick Toubassi, Google Inbox engineering director, has recently explained how his team could get to "sharing roughly two-thirds of their client code" across three platforms: iOS, Android, and the web. The key is a clear separation of concerns between UI code and UI-independent logic, and a couple of tools that Google developed through the years.

  • Ajax Control Toolkit Adds jQuery Support, Updated Twitter API Control and Improved Documentation

    Ajax Control Toolkit has been updated to support jQuery and includes a new Twitter control which takes advantage of new Twitter API. It also includes an improved documentation which describes the usage of ToolkitScriptManager.

  • Eclipse RAP 2.0 Released - Same Acronym, Different Name

    On January 11th, Eclipse RAP 2.0 was released, after 6 years of development. InfoQ talked to the project lead about the release.

  • Vaadin 7 Arrives with GWT as an Integrated Component

    Vaadin has released version 7 of its Java-based web application framework. The Vaadin 7 platform is the framework's first major update since 2009.

  • Lienzo 1.0: A Scene Graph API In Java For The HTML5 Canvas

    Lienzo 1.0 is a new GWT library offering an advanced API over the HTML5 Canvas. AS well as the low level operations already offered by Canvas in GWT, Lienzo adds a rich set of GUI primitives such as shapes, zooming, animations, drag-and-drop, event handling and more

  • Vert.x Joining Eclipse Foundation

    Project founder Tim Fox's choice, the Eclipse Foundation, will be the future home of Vert.x after VMware confirmed that they had no objections to the plan.

  • Flash4j 3.0 - A Java Api For Flash Development

    Flash4j is a Java API (initially a wrapper over Apache Flex) that offers Java developers a familiar way to develop Flash applications in pure Java without knowledge of ActionScript.

  • What is the future for GWT?

    The newly formed Google Web Toolkit (GWT) steering committee recently published “The Future of GWT Report”, which captures the opinions, usage patterns and hopes of over 1300 Google Web Toolkit users worldwide.

  • What is the Future of Vert.x?

    When Tim Fox, project leader of the open-source Apache Licensed project Vert.x, left VMWare in December he had intended to continue working on the project after joining RedHat at the start of this year. However, VMWare now own the trademark and project assets, and it's not clear whether it can continue under the same name. Read on to find out what happened, and what the current situation is.

  • Atmosphere 1.0: Asynchronous Communication For Java/JavaScript

    Atmosphere 1.0 is a new Java/Scala/Groovy framework that attempts to abstract asynchronous communication between the web browser and the application server. It transparently supports Web Sockets, HTML5 Server Side events and other application server specific solutions when available, with long polling as a fallback.

  • Handle Multiple Postbacks with AspQ

    AspQ helps you to handle multiple postbacks without any complicated coding. It simplifies the task of developers who want to handle multiple postbacks with ease without compromising performance.

  • ASP.NET Anti-Forgery Tokens With JSON Payloads

    ASP.NET MVC has AntiForgeryToken helper that allow you to detect and block CSRF attacks using user-specific tokens. However when making primarily ajax requests or using javascript frameworks such as Knockout and Backbone which have JSON payloads, the approach needs to change a bit.

  • Apache Wicket 6 Released With Integrated jQuery Support

    The Apache Wicket project has released version 6 of its open source, component oriented Java web application framework, with built-in support for jQuery , improved JavaScript event binding, easier OSGI bundling and experimental support for WebSockets.