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Realm Mobile Platform to Enable Reactive Mobile Apps with Data Sync and Event Handling
Realm introduced its new mobile development platform aiming to provide seamless realtime synchronization, conflict resolution, and reactive event handling. Furthermore, its client-side database is now fully open-source.
Ceylon 1.3 Adds Support for Building Android Apps and More
Ceylon, RedHat’s strongly statically typed language for the JVM, has reached version 1.3. Released one year after version 1.2, Ceylon 1.3 is a major release bringing Android support, npm integration, and a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio, in addition to new language features and improvements.
Android Studio 2.2: New Layout, Firebase, OpenJDK, Java 8
Android Studio 2.2 comes with enhancements across all development phases - Design, Development, Build and Test -, including a new Constraint Layout, Layout Editor, Firebase plug-in, Code Sample browser, Java 8 support, OpenJDK, GPU Debugger and others.
Google Releases Android 7.0 with over 250 New Features
Google has started updating certain devices to the latest Android 7.0, dubbed Nougat. Usually, a new version of Android would start to be pushed to devices during the fall, in late September or even October. But this year they changed the pace, making available a preview in March and the GA in August.
V8's New JavaScript Interpreter Improves Memory Consumption
Google's V8 JavaScript engine has a new interpreter, called Ignition, that hopes to reduce the compiler's memory consumption and reduce complexity. Chrome 53 will start using Ignition on Android devices with 512 MB of RAM or less.
LinkedIn Test Butler Aims to Improve UI Testing on Android
Test Butler is an open-source testing tool for Android that aims to allow developers to reliably run UI tests, writes LinkedIn engineer Drew Hannay and creator of Test Butler, by allowing developers to programmatically control a number of testing environment settings.
Survey: Android’s Lead is Consolidated
According to the latest Developer Nation Q3 2016 survey from VisionMobile, Android’s lead over iOS as primary platform and developer mindshare has been consolidated. Also, Windows developers prefer C# in the cloud while Linux ones stay with Java.
Twitter Fastlane Adds Live App Preview from GitHub Pull Requests
Fastlane, Twitter’s solution to continuous integration and deployment for mobile apps, introduced Device Grid, a new feature aimed to make it possible to live preview changes directly from pull requests in GitHub. Additionally, Fastlane now supports two-factor authentication for iTunes Connect, and improved support for Android APK files.
Realm Reaches 1B Users, 100k Active Developers, and Launches Version 1.0
Realm, the open-source, object-oriented database has launched version 1.0 for iOS and Android. Realm's technical team told InfoQ that among the noted changes in the mobile database's latest release are an improved query language with support for partial string matches, relationship traversal, multi-field sorting, and distinct matches.
Android Developers Invited to Get Ready for Chrome OS
Google is close to bring Play to Chrome OS, making Android applications and media available to Chromebook users.
Google Firebase - a Complete Back-End Solution for Mobile and Web
Google has introduced a new version of Firebase at I/O 2016, the platform offering a comprehensive solution for creating a back-end infrastructure for mobile (iOS and Android) and the web.
Google Makes Android Apps Run without Install
Google has announced Android Instant Apps during Google I/O keynote, enabling applications to run without having to install them first.
Firefox 46 Tackles Security Issues, Improves Performance
Mozilla has released Firefox 46, including improved security of the JavaScript JIT Compiler, and delaying Addon signing.
Using Swift to Build Code for Android
A “Port to Android” pull request that has been recently merged into the official Swift repository master branch makes it possible to create simple programs for Android. The pull request added an Android target for Swift stdlib and allows developers to use a Linux environment to cross-compile for Android on the ARMv7 processor.
JetBrains Releases IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1
JetBrains has released IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1, the latest version of their most popular IDE. The new version seems to have the polyglot developer in mind, with multiple enhancements over a variety of languages and technologies; however, the most noticeable changes are aimed at Java, particularly at helping developers take full advantage of Java 8.