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Realm: Low-Footprint, Thread-Safe Database For iOS And Android
Realm is an open-source, Object-oriented database. It provides a simpler, more performant alternative to using CoreData on iOS and will soon be available on Android as well.
Google Released LiquidFun 1.1, Open-source 2D Physics Engine
Google announced 1.1 release of LiquidFun, an open-source 2D physics engine including fluid simulation. The engine opens new possibilities to both game developers and UI designers, says Google. LiquidFun now officially supports iOS in addition to Android, Linux, and OS X.
GapDebug, Mobile Debugging Tool for PhoneGap and Cordova, Enters Public Beta
Genuitec has announced a public beta for GapDebug, a free debugger for hybrid mobile apps built on top of the Cordova/PhoneGap SDK. GapDebug integrates versions of the Safari Webkit Inspector and Chrome Dev Tools to offer an integrated debugging experience on OS X and Windows.
Google Play Games: Events And Quests, Saved Game
Google Play Games services got new features in Events and Quests, and a new Save Game API last month. The C++ and the iOS SDKs are now up-to-date with these features.
Android to Include Ahead-Of-Time Compiler
Google announced the next version of the Android operating system at Google I/O 2014. Code named “L release,” in the most significant change to the system architecture a new runtime simply called the Android RunTime (ART) with an AOT compiler replaces the Dalvik virtual machine and its JIT compiler.
DidFail: a Free Android Tool to Detect Information Leakage
CERT Secure Coding team have recently released a freely available tool capable of analysing the leakage of sensitive information from an Android app. CERT researchers claim their tool "is the most precise taint-flow static analysis tool for Android apps."
Google Releases Google Play Services 5.0
Recently released Google Play Services 5.0 includes a number of new features, such as Android wearable services APIs, Dynamic Security Provider and App Indexing, along with updates to existing APIs. The new release should already be rolling out worldwide to Android devices running Android 2.2 or better.
ART: The New Android Runtime
At Google I/O 2014, presenters Brian Carlstrom, Anwar Ghuloum, and Ian Rogers (all from Google) discussed ART (the Android RunTime). ART replaces Dalvik as the default platform for the next Android release. (A preview of the next Android release, termed Android L, is available as a download for developers. Android L will go public sometime in the fall.)
Google Launches Gmail API Beta
At the last Google I/O Google has introduced a new Gmail API aiming at "giving developers flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox, with a natural interface to Threads, Messages, Labels, Drafts, and History", and bringing developers multiple benefits over IMAP, says Google.
Drupal Integration with Native iOS and Android Apps
At latest Drupal Conference in Austin, TX, mobile and web development company Lemberg has introduced a native Drupal 8 software development kit. Lemberg's SDK aims at making it easier for developers to handle the communication between a native mobile app and a Drupal website. The SDK is currently available only for iOS and Android, while the Windows Phone version should be coming soon.
Dartium Comes To Android
Dart 1.5 released last week with a focus on mobile development. This includes a version of Dartium that works on Android along with editor improvements to support debugging of mobile web apps built using Dart.
The State of Go Language for Android Native Development
A couple of different proposals from Google engineers and independent developers are aiming at making it possible to write native Android apps in Go. This will not go so far as allowing Go apps to access the full Android NDK, but it could allow access to a subset of it.
Google Introduces Material Design at Google I/O
Google is introducing Material Design, a visual language incorporating design principles for user interfaces spanning a multitude of devices from wearables to smartphones, tablets, desktops and TVs. Material Design attempts to provide fluid motion on tactile surfaces, but mouse and keyboard-based devices are also considered.
The Google I/O 2014 Keynote Address
Google’s two-day 2014 developer conference began with the opening keynote address. (The “opening” keynote is, in fact, the only keynote in this year’s schedule.)
WebIDE: A Web IDE in Firefox
Mozilla has released in the nightly builds an IDE for creating, editing, running and debugging web applications on Firefox OS devices and simulators, planning to extend it to all major browsers on mobile devices.