InfoQ Homepage Android Content on InfoQ
Mobile HTML5
Scott Davis explains how to prepare a website for mobile devices from small tweaks –smaller screen sizes, portrait/landscape- to using HTML5’s local storage, application cache, and remote data.
UI in an Agile Process - The Quick 'n' Dirty Approach in the Real World
Janne Jul Jensen presents the development process of a mobile banking application from prototyping to the actual product including SCRUM sessions, sprint evaluations, UI designing, and user feedback.
Mirah for Android Development
Brendan Ribera introduces Mirah, a JVM-based programming language with a Ruby-like syntax, type inference, closures, meta-programming, macros, showing how to use it for Android development.
Making the Mobile Web Native with PhoneGap
Keith Donald and Roy Clarkson present PhoneGap and demo developing cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android.
Mobile Data Access Patterns - Cross Platform Action with Mono
Travis Smith presents the challenges – inconsistent feature support - and advantages – code reuse - of developing cross platform mobile applications with Mono, focusing on data access patterns.
Introduction to Android Development Using .NET and Mono
Greg Shackles introduces Android, Mono and Mono for Android, explaining the fundamental components of programming for Android with Mono accompanied by demos and code samples.
Q&A on Mono with Miguel de Icaza and Nat Friedman
Miguel de Icaza and Nat Friedman answer questions on Mono: Xamarin, the deal with Novell, packaging, iOS 5, Lion, Android, licenses, MVC3, WCF, Mono phone, MonoDevelop, and others.
Beginning Android Development
Christopher Judd makes an introduction to Android development, showing where the start, the tools needed, how to build the first app, how to deploy it, along with mobile development lessons.
Do's and Don'ts on Android
Lars Hesel Christensen shares lessons learned from implementing a mobile banking application for Android, presenting the architecture, the technology&tools used, what works and what should be avoided.
Mobile HTML 5.0
Michael Galpin covers developing mobile web apps, HTML 5, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Web Sockets, server-side data push, Canvas, CSS3, application cache, video/audio, and mobile platform feature support.
Android Squared
Bob Lee and Eric Burke present Square, a card reader used to receive payments through an Android device, presenting a point-of-sale API, and a library for persistence and REST communication.
PhoneGap: Mobile Applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Brian LeRoux presents PhoneGap, a mobile web framework for creating phone applications using just HTML and JavaScript without having to programm in phone’s native language, Objective C, Java or C++.