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PostSharp Has Just Gotten Much Easier
PostSharp 3.0 brings with it deep integration with Visual Studio and NuGet. With a couple of mouse clicks PostSharp can apply aspects to a method in a clean project. All of the required packages for the aspect are automatically downloaded.
SpringSource Spruce Up Spring MVC as Spring Framework 3.2 Goes GA
VMware's SpringSource team has released the GA version of Spring Framework 3.2, exactly one year after 3.1. The new release emphasises the Spring MVC web framework.
.NET Deadlock Detection with PostSharp
SharpCrafters, makers of the AOP framework PostSharp, have developed a drop-in deadlock detection toolkit. This toolkit works with most standard locking primitives such as Mutex, Monitor, and ReaderWriterLock with only a single line of code added to the project.
Using IL Weaving to Inject INotifyPropertyChanged into Properties
Simon Cropp has released an IL weaving tool that wires property changed notifications into automatically implemented properties. IL weaving is a technique in which the IL code in an assembly is rewritten to add functionality.
Byteman 2.0.0: Bytecode Manipulation, Testing, Fault Injection, Logging
JBoss has released Byteman 2.0.0, an open source Java bytecode manipulation tool licensed under GNU LGPL 2.1. Byteman is a Java agent which helps testing, tracing, and monitoring code. It allows developers to change the operation of Java applications, either as it is loaded or during runtime.
Annotation-Driven Dependency Injection with Google Guice 3.0
Late last month Google released Guice 3.0, a Java framework that implements the dependency injection (DI) design pattern. The motivation behind Guice was to make it easier for programmers to write DI code by reducing the need to write boilerplate factories. This article examines the new 3.0 features, loks at how Guice 3.0 supports Spring DI, and introduces Guice 4.1 (a.k.a. MiniGuice).
Attribute Based Caching for .NET
Attribute Based Caching provides declarative method-level caching and cache invalidation for .NET applications. Attributes applied to a method specify how it should be cached with no additional code necessary.
Spring.NET 1.3: VS.NET Solution Templates, MSTest Support and Spring Integration.NET
A new version of the Spring.NET framework, version 1.3, was recently released. InfoQ spoke with Mark Pollack, founder and lead of the Spring.NET project, to learn more about this release and what new capabilities it brings, and also to learn more about the new Spring Integration.NET project.
PostSharp 2.0 Makes Aspect-Oriented Programming Easier with IDE Support
One of the biggest complaints about aspect-oriented programming is that is makes it hard to know what the compiled code will actually look like. When looking at source code, developers invariably ask, “What aspects affect this?” For .NET developers, PostSharp has the answer.
Should We Rely on Language Constraints or Responsibility?
Bruce Eckel, Michael Feathers, Niclas Nilsson, Keith Braithwaite, and others on the question: should languages be fully flexible, allowing the developers to tweak them as they like, and trusting they will be responsible in their work, or should there be clear constraints set in the language from its design phase to avoid mistakes that create bad code, hard to maintain or to read?
Google Guice 2.0: Enhanced Capabilities, Less Boilerplate
Guice, a lightweight Java dependency injection framework created by Google, recently released version 2.0. InfoQ spoke with Google Developer Team member Jesse Wilson to learn more about this release and what capabilities it adds to Guice.
Article: Fetching strategy implementation in a J2EE application using AOP
In this article Manjunath R. Naganna introduces a strategy for overriding the default fetching pattern in the Repository/DAO class with a different fetching pattern based on the specific use case as defined with Aspect Oriented Programming. Aspect helps in deciding which fetching strategy needs to be used in a particular business use case.
PostSharp AOP Framework Updated
PostSharp, the popular .NET AOP framework, has a new release available: 1.5 CTP 3. This release builds on the previous features and adds significant performance improvements.
Ramnivas Laddad on Making AOP Choices With AspectJ and Spring AOP
Spring AOP/AspectJ combination offers many choices, whether they are AOP system, syntax or weaving related options, and a clear understanding of all those choices is important to apply them pragmatically when using Aspects in enterprise applications. Ramnivas Laddad said just one kind of AOP won't fit all applications and choosing the right combination will help developers be successful with AOP.
Article: Workflow Orchestration Using Spring AOP and AspectJ
This article provides a practical example of light-weight workflow orchestration using Spring AOP and AspectJ.