InfoQ Homepage API Days Content on InfoQ
Financial Grade OAuth and OpenID Connect
Nat Sakimura discusses using OAuth and OpenID for securing financial transaction services.
Complying or Leveraging PSD2, Which Way to Go?
Bruno Cambounet discusses Open Banking and the European Payment Services Directive, what one needs to know, security and impact on innovation.
Email Enters the Bots’ Era: How to Bridge the Divide Between an Old & A New Technology
Antoine Lefeuvre compares emails and bots, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of each.
Go Mobile in Africa and Monetize to 116M Customers Thanks to APIs
Aurélien Duval Delort presents Orange’s mobile APIs available in Africa.
Build vs. Buy: Redefining What’s Core to Your Business
Liam Boogar encourages redefining what is the core of a business, focusing on building that and buying everything else.
From Customer Self Service Portals to Web APIs
Florian Marquardt presents how Regiocom has created and uses web APIs to serve the energy market in several countries.
Reinventing Credit Insurance with APIs
Christophe Spoerry discusses embedding insurance in B2B innovations.
Stop Managing Tech People! Empower Them to Build What You Need
Benjamin Brial suggests reorganizing a company by trusting employees, letting them work on something they enjoy, and sharing the benefits with them.
How to Survive the API Copyright Apocalypse
Steven Willmott recommends avoiding the possible API copyright troubles by sharing API definitions rather than copyrighting them.
The Future of Your Business Needs an API Program... Now!
Roberto Galves discusses the need and how to develop an API-as-a-Business initiative to face the current economy.
BigCos Catching up – Digitizing the Old Economy
Christian Umbach discusses how enterprises should address the digitization of their companies.
Your API - Don’t Make Developers Hate It
Adeel Ali shares from experience working with developers in 10 programming languages, covering what works and what not, and how to use automation to create a beautiful developer experience for APIs.