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Rich Hickey on Datomic, Data Storage, Functional Programming and Immutability
Rich Hickey explains how immutability enables Datomic's features and facilitates programming (not just in functional languages). Also: Datomic and other NoSQL stores, Clojure Reducers and much more.
Gil Tene on Zing, Low Latency GC, Responsiveness
Gil Tene talks about how to achieve low latency and responsiveness in Java applications despite the GC, how the GC in Azul's Zing helps, where low latency is crucial, and much more.
John Davies on the Financial Industry, Standards Based Messaging, Integration
John Davies talks about standards based messaging and integration in the finance business, the future of payment systems and mobile payment, and much more.
Serkan Piantino on Scaling Facebook
Serkan Piantino explains how Facebook has managed to scale up, what types of errors occur in an architecture that size and how to handle them, RAM vs disk, and much more.
Eli Collins on Hadoop
Eli Collins discusses Cloudera's CDH4 release, which tasks are well suited for Hadoop, Hadoop and MapReduce vs SQL, the state of Hadoop, and much more.
Graham Lee on Application Security, Sandboxing on OS X, Mobile Application Development
Graham Lee discusses how to design and write secure (mobile) applications, the concept of sandboxing in general and on OS X, Objective-C and Smalltalk, and much more.
Max Sklar on Machine Learning at Foursquare
Max Sklar talks about machine learning at Foursquare, the use of Bayesian Statistics and other methods to build Foursquare's recommendation system and much more.
Rich Hickey and Justin Sheehy about Datastores, NoSql and CAP
Rich Hickey and Justin Sheehy talk about scalability and transactionability of datastores. They explain tradeoffs for achieving read and/or write scalability on top of Datomic and Riak.
Phil Trelford on Functional Architectures, F#
Phil Trelford discusses how to design large scale applications with functional concepts, the state of the F# community and much more.
Mike Stolz on NoSQL and Big Data Design Patterns
In this interview recorded at QCon New York 2012 Conference, VMWare's Mike Stolz talks about the design patterns that help with processing and analyzing the unstructured data. He also explains the patterns for combining Fast Data with Big Data in finance applications as well as the role of in-memory databases in NoSQL database space.
Markus Völter on DSLs, Modeling, MPS, Mbeddr
Markus Völter explains the concepts of the MPS Language Workbench, how it enabled the mbeddr project, approaches to DSLs and how to combine them, programs vs models, formal verification, and more.
Andrew Watson On The State of OMG, UML, CORBA, DDS
Andrew Watson talks about the work of the OMG, where CORBA is alive and well (hint: in your car), UML and UML Profiles vs. custom Modeling languages, DDS and other middleware, and much more.